Animations via AnimationController aren't playing unless you touch the other person

I am using a local script that replaces the default roblox animate script, and instead of animating the humanoid, I am animating something welded to the humanoidrootpart with an animationcontroller.

On respawn, it works flawless as both players can see each other’s animations. But if I reattach the morph, you can’t see the other players animations unless you get so close to them you are both touching. Only then, will it register the other player’s animator and begin playing animations for each other. (note, server side I can see all the animations playing so I think this is purely a device to device replication problem)

I apply the Animator via server, and wait use :WaitForChild(“Animator”) with the local script. I really am completely lost with this…

So I guess this is a bit of a bug on Roblox’s end. I looked at a dozen other people who had the same issue, there never really was a solution I found that worked. For me, it was a very simple thing that doesn’t make much sense. Every time I put a new morph on my character I simply do
Character.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
Character.Parent = game.Workspace

And suddenly your animations are replicated to all the other clients(It is called -replicated- storage). Weird but its fast and not noticible