Animations wont play on my Humanoid Model

Hi, I recently made a post about this it got taken down for some reason, I might have put it in the wrong category, I have just recently become a member so I don’t have a lot of experience with making posts, so this time I’m going to be more precise about my post. I am new to Roblox Studios about one-month strong and was recently working on a game, I have made the model and wanted to add the animation to the model. The Model as of now will be a bot with a pathfindingservice.

But when I finished my animations nothing was working (I kept getting this bobbing animation) I tried to hook up my animations using this Devforum and it didn’t work I’ve been stuck on this for around 3 days. The problem is my model just does this bob and head movement.
Here is a list of what I did to the model

  • I Grouped parts for specific areas like the left hip, left foot, etc. to the left leg and named each item in the model

  • I rigged all the parts with RigEdit, I welded all the leg parts together, and the arm parts then added joints to the main movement areas the legs to the torso, the arms to the torso, the list goes on.

  • Copied a code on the DevForum Using Animations in Games and put it in the serverscriptservice then proceeded to add my animation links to it

  • Unanchored everything in the model ( Now I’m not sure if I did this right, I have everything unanchored, but I kept the HumanoidRootPart anchored when animating cause this would happen)

  • Set the HumanoidHipHeight not that sure if I did it correctly though ( I made a part measured it to the top of his hip and then saw the position of the y value then added that to the hip height)

All of this but to no avail, the character was still bobbing with no seen animation except the head animation. If anyone can help me with this I would be ecstatic.

Is it anchored?

extra text due to character limit

They said that the model was unanchored.

No everything in the model is Unanchored