Animation.Stopped:Wait() Speed

Is there a way to instantly play a animation after this because it takes about another second to play my next animation.

Could you please elaborate on the question?

So i added a AnimationTrack.Stopped:Wait(), But i does take a half of a second after that to play the next animation is their a way to make this time shorter?

Can you show the script thats playing the aniamtion?

for index, anim in ipairs(SwingAnimtable) do
    SwingAnimtable[index] = Aniamtor:LoadAnimation(anim)

local function SwingAnim()
    local maxNumber = #SwingAnimtable
    local CurrentAnimation = SwingAnimtable[CurrentNumber]
    CurrentNumber += 1
    if CurrentNumber > maxNumber then
        CurrentNumber = 1

I will be adding more animations later on.

Can you show where the function is called?

Does your animation have a delay at the end? The problem could be related with your animation/keyframes, I assume.

It might help to use marker to play another animation and cancel the current one.

I admit this doesn’t directly solve your problem and more of a work around.