Currently, I use a BindableFunction to locally load animations onto my viewmodel (A clone of a player’s character). I mostly use this Bindable to load gun animations. This solution worked up until a point in which it stopped working for reason’s I’ve yet to figure out.
The issue is that the AnimationTrack that is meant to be returned from the Bindable function is returning ‘nil’ to the gun script every single time. This is obviously unintended and breaks my game when this happens. From the Viewmodel’s perspective, it’s a loaded AnimationTrack. After it gets returned through the BindableFunction, GunScript_Local just sees nil and then breaks. This image explains what it looks like from my perspective:
I searched through google and the Devforum directly, and either I am lazy or there was truly no good results out of the 15 somewhat relevant pages I clicked on. I’ve tried to print along the way to diagnose the problem but I’ve yet to figure out a solution.
The Code Part
GunScript_Local Code
the variables and functions before-hand
local animsPreloaded = false
local Animations = {
IdleAnim = handle:WaitForChild("IdleAnim"),
ShootAnim = handle:WaitForChild("ShootAnim"),
ReloadAnim = handle:WaitForChild("ReloadAnim"),
ChamberAnim = handle:WaitForChild("ChamberAnim"),
VIdleAnim = handle:WaitForChild("VIdleAnim"),
VShootAnim = handle:WaitForChild("VShootAnim"),
VReloadAnim = handle:WaitForChild("VReloadAnim"),
VChamberAnim = handle:WaitForChild("VChamberAnim")
local AnimTracks = {}
function LoadAnimation(animation: string, priority: Enum.AnimationPriority): AnimationTrack
local animtrack
if config[animation] ~= 0 then
animtrack = GF:LoadAnimation(Animations[animation], hum, {Priority = priority}) -- just my way of loading animations. it works
return animtrack
function LoadViewmodelAnimation(animation: string, priority: Enum.AnimationPriority): AnimationTrack
local animtrack
if config[animation] ~= 0 then
animtrack = vmFB:Invoke("LoadAnim", Animations[animation]) -- this is what is returning nil
animtrack.Priority = priority
return animtrack
The part that brings the animations to the gun
if not animsPreloaded then
AnimTracks = {
["IdleA"] = LoadAnimation("IdleAnim", Enum.AnimationPriority.Action),
["ShootA"] = LoadAnimation("ShootAnim", Enum.AnimationPriority.Action4),
["ReloadA"] = LoadAnimation("ReloadAnim", Enum.AnimationPriority.Action4),
["ChamberA"] = LoadAnimation("ChamberAnim", Enum.AnimationPriority.Action4),
["VIdleA"] = LoadViewmodelAnimation("VIdleAnim", Enum.AnimationPriority.Action),
["VShootA"] = LoadViewmodelAnimation("VShootAnim", Enum.AnimationPriority.Action4),
["VReloadA"] = LoadViewmodelAnimation("VReloadAnim", Enum.AnimationPriority.Action4),
["VChamberA"] = LoadViewmodelAnimation("VChamberAnim", Enum.AnimationPriority.Action4)
print("AnimTracks\nUnpacked:", table.unpack(AnimTracks), "\nItem Count", GF:n(AnimTracks))
--animsPreloaded = true | this is commented so I could show how it didn't load no matter how many times I attempted in game.
Viewmodel Module Code (Client Context)
the part that loads the animations to the viewmodel
function Viewmodel:InsertAnimation(anim: Animation)
local newAnim = self.ViewmodelAnimations[anim.Name]
if not newAnim then
newAnim = modules["GF"]:LoadAnimation(anim, self.Animator)
self.ViewmodelAnimations[anim.Name] = newAnim
warn("Animation", anim.Name, "already loaded in viewmodel.")
return newAnim
the bindable function invoke part
ViewmodelFunctionB.OnInvoke = (function(action: string, data1, data2, data3, data4)
self = Viewmodel
if action == "LoadAnim" then
return self:InsertAnimation(data1) -- the part to focus on
elseif action == "GetAnim" then
local loadedAnimTrack = self.LoadedAnimations[data1]
if loadedAnimTrack then
return loadedAnimTrack
warn("Animation", data1, "not found in viewmodel.")
elseif action == "PushSpring" then
Maybe I’m just dumb, but I really couldn’t figure out why this code wouldn’t work, as I don’t know exactly what I added to make it fail… All help is appreciated. I’m posting this @ 1:56 AM so if I don’t respond in the next 8 hours it’s because I’m sleeping.