AnimationTrack:AdjustSpeed(0) not working?

Before I get started, I just wanna say, if this is a quick fix, my bad, I haven’t scripted in months. I just started up another project…

I essentially want the animation of a sword slashing to freeze if the sword hits a certain object. I have everything handled on the server side, when the player’s sword hits the object it fires the RemoteEvent perfectly fine. This is what I put on the client when the event is picked up:

if Collide then
			Torso.Velocity = Torso.Velocity - Torso.CFrame.LookVector * 15

And my issue is- absolutely nothing happens, it doesn’t freeze, just continues playing as normal.

Apologies if I don’t really understand my own script, by the way. I’m essentially fixing the bugs in somebody else’s very old script.

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You need to call it on the animation’s network owner, in this case, the player that owns the character.

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I am, this is being called from a localscript. Essentially, the local script detects the swing input, sends it to the server, and then the server sends back whether it collided with a certain type of object or not.