Hiwi! Thank you for reading
I found a post saying that Humanoid:LoadAnimation() is now deprecated, Im changing my scripts.
Quick questions.
All Rigs Models should have an Animator inside the Humanoid?
Player’s Characters spawns with an Animator inside their Humanoids by default?
Custom Rigs, doesnt…
Should I add it manually then? Seems like by script right? local Animator = Instance.new("Animator"), cause I can’t find any object called “Animator” in the Studio list to add…
Do I have to create an Animator with a Server Script first then parent it to the Custom Rig’s Humanoid? Or an Animator should be always available parented to the Workspace?.. waaa Im lost…
And another off topic question, after today’s update, why the strings are not green?
Should I change this?? Or it will get back to green on later updates?
Ah you Want to your AnimationContorollor now I Think because I’m used to using Humanoig:LoadAntimtion() too but yeah you can still use Humanoid:LoadAnimation() but it’s not recommended.(Wait, I’m Wrong don’t use animation controllor)
mmh me too, Im used to Humanoid:LoadAnimation()… Yeah I think still ok using it… but I wanna learn the new way properly, I take updates as “serious” xD
I dont want everything to brake one day, cause Im lazy to change things I was advised to not use xD
Use Animator directly instead. Cut out the middle man!
You should always create the Animator on the server. This can be done with Instance.new("Animator") , or by just adding them as children of your Humanoid or AnimationController at edit time in Studio.
All replication of animations is handled through the Animator instance. If the server doesn’t know about the Animator that you are using on the client, animations will not replicate.
Client-side animation scripts should use WaitForChild("Animator") to get a reference to the server created Animator. The default Animate script has not been updated to follow this yet, but we’ll update it as soon as we can!
For now this is what they told us(you would do the same like Humanoid:LoadAnimation() but Animtior:LoadAnimation() (I think).
Yup I know, Im already using the Animator new method.
Its working fine, thats why I made those questions.
I wanna know what they mean by “For animation replication to function it is importanr for the Animator to be first created on the server”
Do I have to create an Animator with a Server Script first then parent it to the Custom Rig’s Humanoid? Or an Animator should be always available parented to the Workspace?..
Yup, well, just reach the Animator inside the Humanoid its working for me: local animTrack = Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(Animation)
And use the track normally… but I dont get what they mean about the replication…
I mean, I dont have problems with what means Replication.
Things got replicated from server to clients, or clients to server depending on the situation. But they are stating that the Animator should be created on server first, in order that Replication works for clients.
You know, a client plays an animation and get replicated to server (when we were using Humanoid:LoadAnimation() method)
With the Animator method, they stated a weird, “Create an Animator first in Server”… where in server? Will work as a connection for replication… but how? :v
Yup, I know that, but theres no need to use Humanoid:LoadAnimation() anymore. Just create the animator Instance.new("Animator") and use it
EDIT: Well actually, the Animator get created automatically as far I can see, when the player joins, but my question is aiming Custom Rigs more than normal players
You dont actually need to create a new Animator object. There is already one that spawns in under the Humanoid tab by default. You can simple use the code local Animator = self.Humanoid:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animator") and then load the animation like you would a humanoid. Dont forget to mark this as a solution
yeah… I mean you know the custom characters doesnt have an animator object in their humanoids… So I just create that humanoid by a local script or by sever?
EDIT: Sorry I cant mark urs as Solution xD
Cause my question is about NPC’s, Custom Rigs :v