Anime attacks dont feel smooth

I haven’t been scripting for too long (shorter than 2 months). I mainly just follow tutorials and try to learn what each line of code does and apply it to other codes, but their isn’t much tutorials of what this post is about.

Example References

My Attacks


What I want to achieve



It could probably be just my lack of experience on scripting vfx and all that jazz or maybe it is something I dont have in my code. All tips will be very helpful!

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I think one of the most significant problems with your attacks is the lack of syncing. A method to make the sync better (only for the client) is to play attack VFX on client. The rest of the players will see the VFX through remote events. I have done one of those limb extension VFX; in the place below, select the Star Platinum ability, then Q, then Y.

Another reason why your VFX does not feel smooth is because there is a lack of camera shake effects.

Finally, your animations lack strength. When making melee animations, the character should: move slightly forward to show the momentum of the attack; the middle phase of the attack should be extremely fast to convey power (around 4 frames); the ending should have the character freeze in their pose with slight recoil.


Thanks for the tips! I’ll try to utilize all of the tips you just listed and go from there.

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