Ahjin Studios Is Now Hiring All Developers!!
About Us
Ahjin Studios is hiring talented developers! We are a startup that is going to be changing the roblox gaming community! We have 5 expert game designers all thinking up of the best games to make and we have finally set our minds on 1 game! Join now and be part of this amazing team with amazing benefits!!
The Team
@DevZekee - Game Designer, UI, Animator, Builder, Modeler
@CouldBeYou - Scripter
@CouldBeYou - UI
@CouldBeYou - Builder
@CouldBeYou - GFX
@CouldBeYou - Modeler
@CouldBeYou - Animator
About The Job
Our developers are expected to follow all rules and regulations when working with us. We expect the best quality work and everyone supporting each other. When contacted we will give you all the info needed.
We expect to finish in 1 - 2 months time if it goes at a steady pace.
Ahjin Studios Developer Benefits:
- Exclusive Developer Products (All Product Sales Goes To Developer)
- Weekly Bonus Challenges
- Developer Game Time
- Team Challenge
- Personal UGC???
- And Many More…
We are paying 1.000 - 10.000 when the game is finished and released with a 5% life time revenue share!!
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via…
Discord Staff Server: Ahjin Studios [Staff Discord]
Discord: DevZekee#2084
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
Thanks for reading!