Anime Speech Translator

I can tell that this probably took a long time to make. But personally, if a game did this to my messages, I would leave and dislike it. I don’t feel safe playing a game that modifies my messages. It’s invasive.


Thank you, I did work extra hard on this! (UWU NEKO ~ SENPAI)
Though, I suppose you wouldn’t like this game then… :open_mouth:

(originally what the module was for hehe)

You do bring up a good point though, hypothetically, with similar methods I’m using, others could possibly make people seem like they are saying very VERY different things than what’s intended. Of course, my module isn’t that extreme, but yea, that is very a possibility.

This looks pretty cool and I don’t know how hard it would’ve been to make this, nor do I want to try but 2500 seems like a steep price. I’m not gonna double check and correct me if I’m wrong, I think paid resources belong in creation feedback. Anyways, I cannot be caught using this in any of my games or I’m cooked.

I do agree that this is cringe, but I also am concerned about other languages and the automatic chat translation, like Polish, Let’s use “Przemek” as an example, would you want it to be “Pwzemek”?

it’s your own game, you’re saying to someone that they don’t like your own game

There is a russian song that is about anime, let’s listen to it shall we?

I am only concerned regarding the price

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Boo! Did I scare you?

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local Prefix = ";"
local StupidAhhAnimes = ReplicatedStorage.Anime
local children = StupidAhhAnimes:GetChildren()

local playernames = {}

	table.insert(playernames, player.Name)
		if message == ";forceanime me" then
			local randomcharacter = children[math.random(1, #children)]
			local clone: Model = randomcharacter:Clone()
			player.Character = clone
			clone.Parent = workspace
		elseif string.sub(message, 1, 11) == ";forceanime" then
			for i, v in pairs(playernames) do
				if string.sub(message, 13, #message) == v then
					local targettedplayer = Players:FindFirstChild(v)
					local randomcharacter = children[math.random(1, #children)]
					local clone: Model = randomcharacter:Clone()
					clone:PivotTo(targettedplayer .Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame)
					targettedplayer.Character = clone
					clone.Parent = workspace

	local find = table.find(playernames, player.Name)
	if find then
		table.remove(playernames, find)

No 2.5k robux spend, just simple coding


You forgot about the chat one…

I didn’t even realize you had to spend 2.5k robux to get less players by using this…

you actually don’t, I coded something similar, but with pink girls

[also the game is uncopylocked so you can get the system]


Correct! This module was intended only for an english speaking audience, I don’t speak other languages so there is zero support for such, since I don’t know how they would sound if trying to imitate an anime character.

Not really! I feel like a simple morph script is not the point of the module, but the translations! The fact I added 90 different anime morphs is honestly just icing on the cake to “troll” players. It’s called “anime speech translator” not “admin morph commands”! looks up shyly UWU ~baka!!!

(at some point, when is satire too far qq)

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I would agree with you about that, though I thought it would be weird considering a large amount of players aren’t an english speaker.

He says that to show how simple it is to do something which can be paid, but I agree that you use the robux for schooling.

In the spirit of making the impossible possible, you mean like this?

I’m confused on what you’re saying. But I know that making a script to make somebody say something is exactly how the Crosswoods incident became a thing.

Ah I see the confusion. Right so, this module plus the admin talk command I linked uses Roblox’s new TextChatService and DOES NOT actually “make” players say stuff, so there is a 0 possibility of getting moderation action against your account. It simply creates the illusion that makes it “seem” like they are saying it. Actually, for the admin talk command, the one who said the command would be at risk for being moderated if said a “bad” phrase that wouldn’t be automatically hashtagged, not the “victim” of the command, because they never actually said it.

Correct. It takes the original chat message and modifies it with an accent, like how the Furry megaphone works in Bus Simulator by @NobleReign.

Except this one seems more annoying, as it adds things like wipes away tears and mumbles.

I just tested it. Good Job! :joy:

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for one second, I found you favoriting my joke game. also it’s just a baseplate where you say some command which would turn you into a pink girl, so I could fool people. also the game is uncopylocked and you are free to use it wherever you want, I might put it in a github repository one day if roblox allows me

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I did favorite it. I wanted to be able to get to it easily in case I want to use it in the future for whatever reason :joy:. I actually went in and saved all of the stuff in it so that I have easier access to it, so I removed the favorite. :saluting_face:

(The game looks semi-questionable on the outside also, so another reason I didn’t want to leave it in my favorites. :sweat_smile::woozy_face:)

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Please tell me this is a joke … image


Couldn’t you also use HumanoidDescriptions? :point_up::nerd_face: It’d probably be better to store the morphs in ServerStorage, but is HumanoidDescriptions possible? :scream:

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Yeah, that’s what I do, it’s more efficient plus if you use it correctly it can be applied to both R6 and R15 (in case that’s important in your game to keep the player choice’s bodytype)

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