I’m animating zombies for a tower defense game. I spend up to 30 minutes on them and I usually just save them to AnimSaves because my published animations are all messy.
This has been an issue for almost 2 years and I still can’t find out how to fix it, at random moments. Roblox just deletes my AnimSaves making me lose a lot of progress and makes me waste my time remaking the animation. This is a serious issue and I’ve tried everything to fix it. Updating Studio, Restarting Studio, looking for an auto-save. Everything that could remotely help in any way.
If anyone knows a fix please tell me as its a serious issue and it could seriously stun my games progression! I’d really appreciate it if anyone knows anything about this!
I can’t help with the exact problem, but if you use Moon Animator or just publish the animations, this shouldn’t happen. Moon animator creates a map in your server storage with the saved animations and would likely be of the most help to you.
I personally can’t stand moon animator unless its for multiple humanoid animations and my organization for published animations is terrible, thanks for trying to help though. I’m still searching for why roblox randomly deletes animsaves!
You could also just manually copy the animations into multiple spaces; startergui, serverstorage and in the workspace (as you do now). May be the solution, may narrow the problem down
I’ll try this! It’s kinda a hassle but if my animations are saved it’s fine!
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