Annotations no longer working?

I literally just wrote this template a few hours ago & it was functioning perfectly, but now I’m receiving several type errors?




-- Properties
type Properties = {
	name: string, 
	balance: number

-- Methods
type Methods = {
	__index: Methods,
	new: (name: string, balance: number) -> Object,
	deposit: (self: Object, credit: number) -> (),
	withdraw: (self: Object, debit: number) -> (),

-- Type
export type Object = typeof(setmetatable({} :: Properties, {} :: Methods))

-- Module Table
local Object: Methods = {} :: Methods
Object.__index = Object

--[[ Constructor: Creates a new Object. ]]
function, balance): Object
	local self = setmetatable({}, Object)::Object

	-- Properties = name
	self.balance = balance

	-- Return Object
	return self

--[[ Deposit: Adds the amount to total. ]]
function Object:deposit(credit)
	self.balance += credit

--[[ Withdraw: Removes the amount from total. ]]
function Object:withdraw(debit)
	self.balance -= debit

-- Return Module
return Object

I can no longer access the properties or methods of my class within itself, which I was able to do earlier today & the code has not been altered in any way since.

I have a decent internet connection, I’ve reloaded studio several times, & I also tried enabling/disabling the new type checker beta feature but this did not solve the issue.

The example code pulled directly from Luau.Org provides me with the same errors as well, so this leads me to believe that this is an external factor causing the issue?