Announcing DragDetectors!

Are the ui dragdettectors already out I noticed it in reclass plugin but it doesn’t work how does it work @PrinceTybalt

Way you can change them in the properties window then???

It’s like in my plugin you can change that properties and when you insert them it insert it with that properties

I’m surprised drag detectors still have the same problem as click detectors: they simply don’t work on fast moving parts. I’ll drop a link below if a staff ever notices this message and decide to resolve this problem.

@PrinceTybalt there still is an issue with the dragdettectors on mobile if I want to drag my puzzle it doesn’t directly drag and it are time based puzzles so it almost impossible to complete it in 1 min but I think I want it 30 sec buy the camera go before the dragdetectors able if I drag on the left

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When the Drag Detector is added during the game and the responseStyle being physical, it does not work. It seems to only work if it is present from the beginning of the game.

I assume this is a bug, if not how am I able to fix this

After three months, still no answer to my post @PrinceTybalt