albeit complicated, yeah it fits my needs. i wonder if there’ll be a way to support this just from drag controllers
Exciting! I don’t see anything wrong with this, I think everybody can agree that this is a very cool update!
Finalmente! Estava muito ansioso para esse recurso dentro do Roblox! (I’am speaking portuguese)
DragDetectors work with lines and planes in space, and in general, they try to keep your object at the location on those lines or planes that is below, or closest to, the cursor.
So if you are dragging on the ground plane, it’s going to try to keep the object below your cursor on the ground, regardless of where you move. Imagine you are moving a chess piece and your cursor is over the square you are interested in. You don’t want that piece to move if your cursor stays over that spot, regardless of where your player is going.
So when you’re in first person and rotate the camera, watch where your cursor is; it’s probably gliding over different locations at different distances which explains the behavior.
Okay, great, so that explains it, but in this case, it’s not what you want. That’s where setting DragDetector.DragStyle = Enum.DragDetectorDragStyle.Scriptable comes in. As you see in “Lift and Carry” we use that, and then we get to add a function that says exactly where we want to place the object, given a cursorRay as input.
In general, we prototype new built-in DragStyles by scripting lua examples. There are a few in the example worlds. One is the “Lift And Carry” (which as you see is a bit complex) and another very short one is “Throw-It” (which picks a new plane of motion when you click, so you move it parallel to the face of the cube. you’ve clicked on; it gives neat control). The lua examples show you ways that you can create new behaviors and we hope you do.
We can always fold these in to be automatically provided, but [a] we don’t want a super long list, and [b] we only want to do that with things we are certain are perfect for the behavior they promise. “Lift And Carry” is pretty complex, and not perfect, so we wouldn’t add it until, at the very least, we have enough feedback that it’s high enough quality. Plus, if you look at the script, there are a bunch of parameters like CARRY_DISTANCE and 4 parameters to limit the range of motion. We wouldn’t want to add the DragStyle without the controls, but we don’t want to add 4 new Properties just to support that DragStyle. Providing the best API is all a balance of utility and elegance, and it’s not an exact science.
So we encourage you to innovate and share; let us know what you want most, and if you figure something out, share your methods, if you are willing.
We are listening; that’s why we prototyped “Lift and Carry” as an example.
Love everything about it!!! It really reminds me back when Proximity Prompts released, which was a feature that heavily improved development while requiring 90% less scripting, making it far more friendly for beginner developers. Drag detectors are basically that, but 10 times better.
One question I had while experimenting, while the ResponseStyle property is set to “Physical”, there is a property called “MaxTorque” and “MaxForce”, which I can’t find the difference between these two in the documentation. What makes them different?
Otherwise, very exciting feature, keep it the nice work!!
MaxForce and MaxTorque are only relevant in Physical Reponse style when moving a non-anchored part.
The MaxForce is the most force the DragDetector can apply to change an object’s position. It’s used with every DragStyle, because even RotateAxis and RotateTrackball can translate the object if the rotation makes it orbit around a point instead of its own pivot (which happens if you set the DragDetector.ReferenceInstance to be an object with a different pivot than the part).
The MaxTorque is the greatest torque (kind of like a rotational force, if you’re not used to physics) that the DragDetector can apply to change an object’s orientation. It’s only going to come into play for RotateAxis, RotateTrackball, Scriptable, and BestForDevice in the case where you’re using VR (BestForDevice in VR gives you full 6DOF control).
By default we set them very large so you can move most anything. But what if you want to limit the strength of users when they lift it? You might have a boulder with four draggable handles welded to it, each of which has a lower MaxForce, You can tune this so the boulder only lifts when you get 3 other players to help you! Or you could set the maxForce to different amounts as players gain strength; or when different players attempt to lift it depending on their ability.
Ever since this feature’s beta was announced, I’ve been looking forward to using this for my Puzzle Dungeon game, where dungeon rooms are moved around via a control panel.
I just started the rework a few days ago, and it works splendidly. I especially appreciate the inclusion of ray parameters, making it convenient to check for overlapping parts.
Thank you for this wonderful feature, and for working with developers throughout the beta to ensure this released well!
Just had a cool game idea with this new update!
Great work ensuring all platforms are supported for this feature on release! Pass on to the team members who worked on this for us!
I just wanted to mention that it looks like the DragStyleFunction is called before DragStart is called. This means it’s not possible to have the currently dragged part already tracked for doing calculations in the DragStyleFunction, which is giving me trouble adapting the Lift and Carry demo. I have to set the DragStyleFunction inside DragStart the first time it’s fired.
local dragger = script.Parent
dragger.DragStyle = Enum.DragDetectorDragStyle.Scriptable
return nil
@PeZsmistic interesting.
In the server case, where runLocally is default and you write server scripts (the default) then the calls are made in the order you expect. You can save the clickedPart given to the dragStart and use it the first time the dragStyle function is called.
But if runLocally is true and yours is a client script, then the order is reversed and your dragStyle function is called once before the dragStart is invoked.
We will look into the issue.
To help us out:
What is the fallout of the problem when you run your code? I guess you don’t know what to return on the first invocation of dragStyle because you don’t know which part to care about?
Can you share just what you are doing to call the dragStyle function inside your dragStart callback that makes it work better?
This is so cool, I can totally apply this to my ID project and make it even better! Thank you!
Yeah, this is effectively the issue. I tried returning and it seemed fine, but this doesn’t feel right.
I’ve wrapped the Lift and Drag code into a Lua class that allows me to wrap it around a prop model. Below is the new() method. Note, in this, myDraggedPart is renamed to lastDraggedPart.
function, dragDetector)
local self = setmetatable({}, Class)
self.janitor =
self.mainInstance = instance
self.dragDetector = dragDetector
self.lastViewFrame =
self.lastDraggedPart = nil
self.isFirstDragInitialized = false
if self.mainInstance:IsA("Model") then
local _,size = self.mainInstance:GetBoundingBox()
self.mainInstanceMaxDimension = self:GetLargestDimension(size)
self.mainInstanceMaxDimension = self:GetLargestDimension(self.mainInstance.Size)
dragDetector.DragStyle = Enum.DragDetectorDragStyle.Scriptable
self.janitor:Add(dragDetector.DragStart:Connect(function(player, ray, viewFrame, hitFrame, clickedPart)
if not self.isFirstDragInitialized then
return self:GetDesiredNewWorldCFrame(cursorRay)
self.isFirstDragInitialized = true
if self.lastDraggedPart ~= nil and clickedPart ~= self.lastDraggedPart then
-- Release the ownership here so there's no funny delays if you're yeeting stuff
DraggableDragStartedEvent:FireServer(self.mainInstance, self.lastDraggedPart, false)
self.lastDraggedPart = clickedPart
DraggableDragStartedEvent:FireServer(self.mainInstance, self.lastDraggedPart, true)
self.janitor:Add(dragDetector.DragContinue:Connect(function(player, ray, viewFrame)
self.lastViewFrame = viewFrame
return self
If it's useful to anyone, here's a more complete collection of scripts. There's some game-specific abstraction that I can't include here, but it should be straight-forward to adjust.
Calling Draggable
local model -- Some prop model
local dragDetector ="DragDetector")
dragDetector.RunLocally = true
dragDetector.MaxForce = 100000
dragDetector.Responsiveness = 15
local Draggable =, dragDetector)
dragDetector.Parent = model
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local modules = require(RS:WaitForChild("Modules"))
local Janitor = modules.require("Janitor")
local RemoteGetter = modules.require("RemoteGetter")
local DraggableDragStartedEvent = RemoteGetter.getRemoteEvent("DraggableDragStarted")
-- This specifies how far in front of the player the object will be carried.
-- These parameters control how far the object can be dragged to the left/right or up/down,
-- relative to the player, when you are carrying it
local Class = {}
Class.__index = Class
function Class:GetLargestDimension(vector:Vector3)
return math.max(math.max(vector.X, vector.Y), vector.Z)
function Class:GetCarryDistance(character:Model)
if character ~= nil then
local _,charSize:Vector3 = character:GetBoundingBox()
return MAX_CARRY_DISTANCE + charSize.Z/2 + self.mainInstanceMaxDimension/2
return MAX_CARRY_DISTANCE + self.mainInstanceMaxDimension/2
function Class:GetMaxXPlaneOffset(character:Model)
if character ~= nil then
local _,charSize:Vector3 = character:GetBoundingBox()
return MAX_X_PLANE_OFFSET + charSize.X/2 + self.mainInstanceMaxDimension/2
return MAX_X_PLANE_OFFSET + self.mainInstanceMaxDimension/2
function Class:GetMaxYPlaneOffset(character:Model)
if character ~= nil then
local _,charSize:Vector3 = character:GetBoundingBox()
return MAX_Y_PLANE_OFFSET + charSize.Y/2 + self.mainInstanceMaxDimension/2
return MAX_Y_PLANE_OFFSET + self.mainInstanceMaxDimension/2
-- Blockcast tells us how far a box the size of the part will travel before hitting something.
-- This is an approximation, but better than a raycast, which does not consider the size of the part
function Class:GetBlockcastAvoidingCharacter(rayToShoot, characterToAvoid)
local raycastParams =
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {self.dragDetector.Parent, characterToAvoid }
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
local direction = rayToShoot.Direction
local fromFrame = self.lastDraggedPart:GetPivot().Rotation + rayToShoot.Origin
return workspace:Blockcast(fromFrame, self.lastDraggedPart.Size, direction, raycastParams)
function Class:IsPhysicalDrag()
return self.dragDetector and self.dragDetector.ResponseStyle == Enum.DragDetectorResponseStyle.Physical and self.lastDraggedPart.Anchored == false
function Class:GetNewFrameGivenRayFromPlayer(rayFromPlayer, carryDistance)
local rayToShoot =, rayFromPlayer.Direction.Unit * carryDistance)
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local blockcastResult = self:GetBlockcastAvoidingCharacter(rayToShoot, player.character)
-- if we don't hit anything closer than carryDistance, we'll place it carryDistance ahead of us.
local finalDistance = carryDistance
if blockcastResult then
finalDistance = blockcastResult.Distance
if self:IsPhysicalDrag() then
-- this will attempt to place it slightly beyond the surface.
-- in the physical case, this helps push/slide along walls. (We don't to this in the geometric case or we'd penetrate the other objects)
finalDistance = finalDistance + 0.2
local finalPosition = rayFromPlayer.Origin + rayFromPlayer.Direction.Unit * finalDistance
return self.lastDraggedPart:GetPivot().Rotation + finalPosition
local EPSILON = 0.00001
function Class:IntersectRayPlane(ray, planeOrigin, _planeNormal)
local planeNormal = _planeNormal.Unit
local planeDistance = -1 * planeNormal:Dot(planeOrigin)
local unitRayDir = ray.Direction.Unit
local rate = unitRayDir:Dot(planeNormal)
if math.abs(rate) < EPSILON then
-- ray is parellel to plane surface; cannot intersect
return false,
local t = -(planeDistance + ray.Origin:Dot(planeNormal)) / rate
return true, ray.Origin + unitRayDir * t
function Class:IntersectPlayerPlaneWithinBounds(ray, playerPlaneOrigin, playerForward)
local char = LocalPlayer.Character
local maxXPlaneOffset = self:GetMaxXPlaneOffset(char)
local maxYPlaneOffset = self:GetMaxYPlaneOffset(char)
-- the playerPlane is a plane in front of the player a distance of carryDistance
-- it should be parallel to the ground; remove the Y component just in case
local levelPlayerForward =, 0, playerForward.z)
local success, intersection = self:IntersectRayPlane(ray, playerPlaneOrigin, levelPlayerForward)
if not success then
return success, intersection
-- the plane intersection could be way off to the side, or too high or low.
-- clamp it within bounds of the playerPlaneOrigin, which is a point in front of the player
local offsetFromOrigin = intersection - playerPlaneOrigin
local planeXDir = levelPlayerForward:Cross(Vector3.yAxis).Unit
local planeYDir = Vector3.yAxis
local xDist = offsetFromOrigin:Dot(planeXDir)
local yDist = offsetFromOrigin:Dot(planeYDir)
xDist = if xDist < -maxXPlaneOffset then -maxXPlaneOffset else xDist
xDist = if xDist > maxXPlaneOffset then maxXPlaneOffset else xDist
yDist = if yDist < -maxYPlaneOffset then -maxYPlaneOffset else yDist
yDist = if yDist > maxYPlaneOffset then maxYPlaneOffset else yDist
local newIntersection = playerPlaneOrigin + xDist * planeXDir + yDist * planeYDir
return true, newIntersection
function Class:GetRayEmanatingFromPlayer(cursorRay, carryDistance)
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local headPart = nil
local rootPart = nil
if player and player.Character then
headPart = player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
rootPart = player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if not headPart or not rootPart then
-- we can't get any ray based on the player, fall back to the cursorRay
return cursorRay
local isFirstPerson = headPart.LocalTransparencyModifier > 0.6
if isFirstPerson then
-- when we are in first person, the cursorRay has an origin in the center of the view and a
-- direction forward in the view direction. So we are shooting a direction straight ahead from our POV
return cursorRay
-- when we are not in first person, we intersect with a plane facing us, but in front of the player's root, part to find the
-- desired location.
-- then we construct a ray from the player's character directed toward the intersection with that plane.
local playerLocation = rootPart:GetPivot().Position
local viewFrameLookAt = self.lastViewFrame.LookVector.Unit
local playerPlaneOrigin = playerLocation + viewFrameLookAt * carryDistance
local success, planeIntersection = self:IntersectPlayerPlaneWithinBounds(cursorRay, playerPlaneOrigin, viewFrameLookAt)
if not success then
return cursorRay
-- a ray from the playerLocation to the intersection we just found
return, planeIntersection - playerLocation)
function Class:GetDesiredNewWorldCFrame(cursorRay)
local char = LocalPlayer.Character
local carryDistance = self:GetCarryDistance(char)
local rayFromPlayer = self:GetRayEmanatingFromPlayer(cursorRay, carryDistance)
return self:GetNewFrameGivenRayFromPlayer(rayFromPlayer, carryDistance)
function, dragDetector)
local self = setmetatable({}, Class)
self.janitor =
self.mainInstance = instance
self.dragDetector = dragDetector
self.lastViewFrame =
self.lastDraggedPart = nil
self.isFirstDragInitialized = false
if self.mainInstance:IsA("Model") then
local _,size = self.mainInstance:GetBoundingBox()
self.mainInstanceMaxDimension = self:GetLargestDimension(size)
self.mainInstanceMaxDimension = self:GetLargestDimension(self.mainInstance.Size)
dragDetector.DragStyle = Enum.DragDetectorDragStyle.Scriptable
self.janitor:Add(dragDetector.DragStart:Connect(function(player, ray, viewFrame, hitFrame, clickedPart)
if not self.isFirstDragInitialized then
return self:GetDesiredNewWorldCFrame(cursorRay)
self.isFirstDragInitialized = true
if self.lastDraggedPart ~= nil and clickedPart ~= self.lastDraggedPart then
-- Release the ownership here so there's no funny delays if you're yeeting stuff
DraggableDragStartedEvent:FireServer(self.mainInstance, self.lastDraggedPart, false)
self.lastDraggedPart = clickedPart
DraggableDragStartedEvent:FireServer(self.mainInstance, self.lastDraggedPart, true)
self.janitor:Add(dragDetector.DragContinue:Connect(function(player, ray, viewFrame)
self.lastViewFrame = viewFrame
return self
function Class:Destroy()
self.mainInstance = nil
self.dragDetector = nil
self.lastViewFrame = nil
self.lastDraggedPart = nil
self.firstDragInitialized = nil
self.mainInstanceMaxDimension = nil
self.janitor = nil
return Class
DraggableDragStarted Listener
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local modules = require(RS:WaitForChild("Modules"))
local CS = modules.require("CollectionService")
local RemoteGetter = modules.require("RemoteGetter")
local DraggableDragStartedEvent = RemoteGetter.getRemoteEvent("DraggableDragStarted")
return function()
DraggableDragStartedEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player:Player, mainDraggable:PVInstance, draggedPart:BasePart, setOwnershipToPlayer:boolean)
if draggedPart == nil or mainDraggable == nil then return end
if not draggedPart:IsA("BasePart") then return end
if not draggedPart:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then return end
if not mainDraggable:HasTag(CS.TAG_DRAGGABLE) then return end
if not draggedPart:IsDescendantOf(mainDraggable) then return end
local character = player.Character
if not character then return end
local pivot = character:GetPivot()
if (pivot.Position - draggedPart.Position).Magnitude > MAX_ALLOWABLE_DISTANCE_TO_DRAG then return end
-- Assign network ownership
if setOwnershipToPlayer then
With that issue worked around wow I can’t believe how well this works.
DragDectectors are amazing and make so many things much much easier.
I personally have used them to make a simple and easy to use build mode for one of my upcoming games!
Please keep releasing tools like this that make complex code simpler, they are really useful!
We’re excited to announce that Drag Detecto is now available! When this was in beta, I used the drag detector’s events to create something like this I can’t imagine how creative people will get with this! From a developer’s perspective. It’s nice to see a lot of updates these days.
Ohh love this update, this is so cool!
It’s going to be better and easy to make drag system
Can’t wait to see people make some funny stuff with this DragDetectors!
Nice! Now it’s gonna be easier to all developers if they need “drag” scripts or something like that.
🥳🥳🥳 yeeee🎉🎉🎉
Dragdettectors are out now
I will tomorrow make my dragdettectors world public
@PrinceTybalt what are the towers in test world 2 for
DragDetector doesn’t work in my Roblox Studio right now (it works with public Roblox), is it the same for you all? Do I need to do anything? I can’t test it in Roblox Studio, so I’m testing it publicly.