Announcing the New Roblox Creator Roadmap (Part 1 of 4)

I mean, hey, if that’s what it takes I guess. If they need more workers, as it seems they do, I’d love to work for them. Their jobs page is quite flawed however and I can’t exactly get into contact with anyone at recruiting. LinkedIn is a flawed system, and, I’m in Virginia. Not California. Whatever school I go to in northern Virginia, which is my plan for multiple reasons, I doubt Roblox will have a connection. I wouldn’t exactly like to work remotely, maybe over the summer during one of my years at college I could work on a physics engine for developers or something. :person_shrugging:

As to your points of appealing to that “RTX” market, I’d say you’re there but also not. It’s a weird mix of appealing and catering to mobile low-end devices whilst also pushing a narrative of the ‘metaverse’ every once in a while.

My honest reaction is to give a shrug at Roblox and run into the brick wall that is trying to better this platform sometimes, I keep trying tho.


Good job roblox. You guys really did start listening to us and the promises made in the rescinded auto team create were kept. :+1:


Glad this day finally came to be honest.


Well maybe one day… hopefully one day! Tho yeah i think you’re right about the RTX stuff being more designed towards lower end devices rather than anything higher end. But i do still see a decent chunk of players mostly talking about whatever showcase game and reshade preset that tries to make roblox look a little more realistic/modern rather than talk about more lower end/metaverse things. Could just be me tho.


You say that the future lighting will be defult, are you gonna fix up shadow issues first?

Which shadow issues are you referring to?

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Enabling future lighting for android and making it the default is kind of pointless if the performance still isn’t great and we still can’t fully disable Indoor Dynamic Environment Maps without also disabling EnvironmentDiffuseScale and EnvironmentSpecularScale (and my bet is that maps are still running the background bringing down performance even more).

Everything else here so far is useless to me, but I appreciate the transparency.


We hope that Future Lighting will expand the range of different types of lights.:slight_smile:


Sometimes, id you have alot of lights with shadows on, with amb 0,0,0 indoors, there are shadow clippings


In this roadmap, will we in the future ever get news or updates about VideoFrames and user uploaded videos? I’ve been wondering and waiting for when this feature will be available for all creators and it’s been nothing but radio silence for 3 years now. It’s really sad that an update this cool and promising got abandoned as soon as it came out. I really hope it isn’t actually abandoned but I personally think 3 years is more than enough to develop this feature.


Also, is there ever gonna be a new lighting technology? like ever?


Thanks for letting us know–I passed this along to the team!


thx! are there gonna ever be new lighting tech?


also, if you need a whole lot of lights with shadows

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@JoshSedai Hey! Are you allowed to give us news about this feature?

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pls add grass on parts and customizability such as grass color, texture, and direction it should be facing


It probably won’t be released because of how users would use it, if it’s widely used, and because moderation in those can remain unmoderated.


The global wind seems like a really nice feature. It will boost the realism of games even higher than current. Especially as someone creating a realistic game, I really thank Roblox for using the insight to implement this in their plans for the future.


the only bad idea is this, im pretty sure we’re fine with how accessories are being handled rn so please dont let all players to uploud random stuff


If Roblox has concerns about unforeseen updates being suddenly released and negatively impacting the platform, it would be advisable for the company to implement a voting system within its developer forum. This system would allow forum users to vote on whether a particular update should be included in the development roadmap. In this way, Roblox can gauge the opinions of its developer community on potential updates and make informed decisions based on the majority vote and overall impact on the platform. If an update receives negative feedback, Roblox should reconsider its inclusion and potentially explore alternative solutions.