Announcing the New Roblox Creator Roadmap (Part 1 of 4)

I’m praying that video frame is included with this, we’ve been waiting for three years by now! But I’m glad that you guys are posting updates for us to not be left in the dark!


Thank you guys for kind of giving us an update on this! As for the Roadmap I like it and I think a lot of other developers like it to because it makes us feel like we are creating with you guys instead of just making experiences for Roblox!


Nothing on the roadmap mentioning servers on south america and other countries… Isn’t it about time to make the game smoother for everyone?


Exactly, when is low end mobile devices going to stop being an excuse for not implementing occlusion culling!!

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Love the update! I wish I would of had the roadmap when I first started developing on Roblox… :no_mouth::no_mouth:



When are you going to fix the pathetic excuse of an update that is the Byfron client? I cannot launch games due to it being broken on my system, which is hindering my development career.

I’ll be quitting Roblox soon if these issues aren’t resolved, and I’ll go and develop games on one of the competitor sites.


The Byfron client removes 32-bit support, are you on 64-bit?

Also Roblox has competition?


Great to see some transparency finally! I hope this was a first step in an overall push to a more open future.

P.S. Please get the new bug report system done ASAP, it’s extremely annoying that only handpicked devs are allowed to report problems. We’ve been promised a new system for a while and yet nothing has materialized.


As cool as AI workflows can be, I don’t think Roblox should be providing their own systems for them. Leave this up to developers making the games. Obviously, everyone can make the choice on their own to use or not to use AI. By developing AI solutions (or just interfaces connected to things like ChatGPT) in-house you are promoting the usage of them.

Democratizing game development by slowly removing the need for actual developers is not democratization. You are just moving closer to a system where individual creativity dies.

AI is good as a tool to help develop games, not to develop them for you. Things like the material generator sound like they’re meant to do just that. There is also the massive concern of AI being trained on databases that do not have the original artist’s permission.

Beyond these concerns, the roadmap looks good. Very excited for faster testing in studio as this has always been a major pain point for me.


Everything looks great for the Creator’s Roadmap, I’m excited about what you guys have for next week. Except maybe the part about any creator’s being able to make UGC items. I don’t know if I trust the types of stuff being made at the moment. I still think the restrictions we have seem good enough for the platform.


It indeed is, and I would appreciate if Roblox would be more transparent about how they plan to address this.

This is a result of a rushed rollout of the Byfron update, they should have done it over a few months, not a few weeks, removing the 32 bit clients for people who can’t actually use the 64 bit client due to crashes was a TERRIBLE decision and may result in me ending my over a decade long time on this platform if a fix doesn’t come soon.

I’m a paying customer and a developer, and I would expect better communication in relation to critical issues like this.

I was told they would “get back to me” after “looking at my logs closely” yet I haven’t heard anything from the admin I spoke to in around 3 days now, it’s disgusting how slow these issues get resolved nowadays.

Back in the day when I first joined, you’d just have to PM Telamon (Shedletsky) or Sorcus and they’d sort you out lmfao.


This is amazing. Roblox is shifting to a more creative and less restrictive system and I’m 100% here for it!


Would this come with more customizable features like grass speed, texture, different area grass, etc?


u don’t have to be so rude on people because of a bug that was already
reported in the #bug-reports category

also, 64-bit systems didn’t exist before, which is why the rollout of the 64-bit client.

have u ever thought of messaging them back?


They can say all they want about “taking action” but there’s a clear and defined difference between moderating content uploaded through a pre-approved/selected group and everyone. Statements are not the same as action ultimately and it will likely be an issue regardless if Roblox says they’re “taking action”.


You can’t respect a community that you don’t and can’t hear from.

The forums are flawed when it comes to reporting bugs, making feature requests, and generally getting my voice heard by someone at Roblox.

I hesitate to write even this message. Will it be seen in the sea of messages, issues, opinions, world views, etc. I highly doubt everyone can be let in let alone be heard by the “several ‘Office Hours’ sessions”.

I can talk about so many issues and things about Roblox if given the ability to actually do so. And, I don’t want to just talk. I want to make action. I don’t want to just talk about Roblox’s reputation, I want to do something about it.

I see a flawed, outdated, downright disrespectful ‘discovery system’. I see the state of Xbox. I see the state of Terrain, the Forums, the UGC program. I see these things and want to do something about it. Now, what can I do? It seems all I can do is talk, whether people listen, and take action, is a whole other thing.

Some things I’d like to point out:

  1. The state of Roblox’s seemingly two-faced relationship to developers: a cookie and a slap in the face.

  2. The mentality of ‘if one person can abuse an API, don’t let any creator touch it’ is quite annoying. Toggleable Fullscreen by developer-made code, quality sliders, the state of VideoFrames, etc.

  3. “Easy creation, optimized for your ideal withflows”

What if my ideal workflow has to do with 2d?

Y’all say it yourself:

“Our vision is to provide powerful, flexible workflows for creators to build next-generation immersive 3D experiences and user-generated content (UGC).”

I find it quite ironic that Roblox started out as a 2d physics lab, but doesn’t support, natively, 2d physics or a 2d engine.

Roblox markets multiplayer 3d games, people mostly make that. What if I’m making a game that’s single player and/or 2d? Welp, I guess I just will get knocked by the algorithm and have the discovery system be useless in its current state.

I mean, I guess it makes sense. The least would be to make it so I can filter by “2d” games and “single player” games.

“Terrain Customization - Adding the ability to customize the height of grass (Mid 2023)”

I sure hope that’s not the only thing y’all do for terrain, but I’m glad something about terrain has resurfaced.

That game discovery system -how we literally find games- and the forums -the literal way we connect to you, Roblox- NEED to be fixed/updated. That is what I feel should be top priority. If nothing else is taken from my post, take that.


I like the recent amount of transparency we’ve been seeing from the Roblox team, however I’m conflicted deciding if this is just a PR booster or the Roblox developers genuinely trying to show us what they’re up to.

Example: (and while I know there’s more to come in the Roadmap, it doesn’t seem like the other categories would fit it), but in a thread discussing the 64-bit client and WINE / Linux support, a staff member confirmed that Linux support was being worked on (unless I misunderstood.) Is that on the roadmap anywhere or is it so far in to the future it wasn’t included here?


Let’s hope this gets addressed or put out (and maybe also an apology) within the next year.


I’m really glad the day has finally come! I’ve been waiting for a clear roadmap for a long while, since there wasn’t really any clarity or even a rough idea of anything that was upcoming.

I agree with this post a lot.

To be honest i believe that roblox is more focused on trying to appeal on that “RTX” and “Real Life Graphics” market because its the hot new thing on the block. However its pretty clear that roblox at this current state simply cannot even touch the level of visual fidelity even unreal engine 3 had at this point. They keep saying the same “metaverse” and “next-gen” buzz words while providing nothing really next gen, maybe just some crappy metaverse things. I believe roblox should stop entirely focusing on trying to beat unreal engine 5 and instead focus on being an all round game platform and engine.

W-W-W-What if manuelprogamer_5225YT adds our brand new radial blur post effect in lighting, sets its sample count to 10000 and publishes the game!?!?!?!?!

Also to be honest this is just buzz words that are only meant to appeal to the most average demographics of developers.

Still, i doubt we will be seeing any real true/major changes from roblox as its pretty clear they have no reason to do any of these changes or additions. Maybe if every one of us gave em like 100 million usd lol