Announcing the New Roblox Creator Roadmap (Part 1 of 4)

I think that there will be a heavy moderation system where humans manually check each item to make sure it is not stolen, copyrighted, etc.
That would probably make it a bit less crowded

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omg I can’t wait! what’s new :grey_question:

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add better reflection. it doesnt have to be real time reflect but just better like trophy shine or metal/car shine

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This is a good response and I do agree. However, I think it’s important to recognize a different vantage point than the one that staff see.

This is the only real thing that worries me. Community-based problems have always been that the “shift in strategies or direction” has very rarely mixed well in what developer’s actually want or need. Instead of communicating these issues or taking input to / from us, it gets lost in the void. I’m not talking about features that are experimental or released (those respond to feedback well). I meant more-so the features that have yet to be acknowledged.

For example, offline studio. Most developers if not all would benefit greatly from it when an outage occurs or internet is not stable (bus, car, train, plane, etc) and to this day, it’s been consistently avoided by almost everyone at Roblox. Another example would be supporting 4K textures. Another being the ability to export meshes as FBX. A lot of developers, including myself, are forced to go through a very tedious “beginner” workflow (image splitting, texture splitting, quality degradation, etc) in order to do what I would assume to be common practice in 2023. I’m not saying that every feature out there should immediately be put on-scope but, a good-few such as the ones I listed definitely should be somewhere on that list.

Over the years, there’s always a massive shift in the beginning that there’s going to be “more transparency” but, as time goes on, it just fades away and we’re back at square one. After being told time and time again, while I definitely appreciate fluid communication, it’s hard to see why this would be any different.

At the end of the day, I am on this platform to make additional income and I do welcome any tools / features that point me closer to that direction. I appreciate your response.


yes we shoud roblox make everywhere can change to white or black themes

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Given they’re very serious about it, And i kind of hesitate to say that they do it well

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Really hoping with the standardization of future lighting that some of it’s lighting related issues get fixed (ie. very restrictive distance limits, light capping, light bleeding)

Also as someone that would love to make UGC items this really has potential to be an absolute crapfest if handled improperly.


That is so coolest i can’t wait to come out


@Roblox are we able to get a response on offsale items going limited like i said in my previous post.
People really want to know when this halt ends and roblox transparency on this and this field.

You all forgot 3d cloud, 3d vegitation, snap joint destruction and more while you are still adding stuff to the list,I mean it is more helpful to present the deadline, but will the older projects be forgotten because the burden of the new one?


This is one important point that definitely needs to be emphasized. Roblox needs deadlines for their projects. Some of these projects were started years ago and have had no word since. Either keep us up-to-date on the progress or directly tell us that you’ve dropped those projects. This is part of the problem of why developers get upset. We’d all appreciate it if we’d not be left in the dark.

I posted earlier in this thread that this roadmap is a great step forward, but we still have no news about anything but a few things. Even with the things that are listed, it doesn’t show progress or any ETAs. We’re not your enemies, we’re the developers that are making your platform successful. Please just work with us. Despite the controversies, we really do want Roblox to succeed. I’m really hoping that the upcoming AMA at least will provide us with some insight as to what’s actually going on behind the scenes.


I just want videos to be fully released.


I feel like the UGC content stuff is going to be a big mistake.

This stuff is already going insane!! Will you implement some form to check the UGC?


Hey Dan & Manuel (@Roblox), a pleasure to meet you both through this topic!

I am very happy that this project of Roblox called Creator Hub keeps growing more and more over time while comprehending what is the best for us to have and achieve easily. I believe that this roadmap is going to build such an impact on the platform and contribute to an interesting future.

However, once checking out further information from the website, I begin to have some doubts and questions that should be addressed. Therefore, let’s make this little “Ask Me Anything” session a bit longer:

  1. As there are currently only 2 beta features for the Roblox Generative AI project active and available to work as well as to report bugs (in case you have found them), would there be more efficient prototypes to help developers make experiences? For instance, SFXs, UIs… All made by AI?

  2. Avatars are important for Roblox, especially as it is one of the primary sources that represent the platform itself. With UGC (User-Generated Content) being also new ever since its launch in 2019, interconnecting them can be magical! Yet, as seeing the ideas of the Creator Roadmap, only animated faces and bodies are the main focus… Will there ever be more freedom for UGC Creators to produce for other parts of the body such as hairstyles, mouths, eyelashes, eyebrows, etc?

  3. In late of this year, creators are going to be able to create and sell their accessories to the Marketplace (previously known as “Avatar Shop” and “Catalog”) as well as make profits by converting into Limiteds, would this mean that UGC Program is going to end? If so, wouldn’t it be chaotic to have such a mess with people copying others’ work and publishing accessories that can result in a DMCA violation?


I think they could add an upload fee.

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The upload fee for UGC is currently 700 robux, That’s what I heard from a friend of mine who is in the program.

But the real question is, Will we see some original ideas or copy/paste all over the marketplace? What am I saying? It’s going to be Copy/Paste and Copyrighted UGC all over the marketplace…

Yeah for sure, maybe it should be something exclusive to ID verified people + an upload fee that is even more expensive.

Because otherwise, their moderation couldn’t handle that.


Not sure on the Future lighting becoming default, has a few issues with framerate, even on a basic baseplate, really hope performance is increased before this is pushed on mobile.

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Pleasee I BEG YOU, additionally add the ability to create your own grass mesh to use, I been waiting for yearss, pleaseee, to make the grass even better you could make it so you could tweak the top and base Transparency of the grass so that it can blend with any terrain perfectly.

With that it would be perfect!!!


I am hyped and exited about these upcoming changes like Global winds which would help roblox and it users to make more dynamic weather and more realistic games.