Annoying animation bug ingame (Door animation is too strong)

Try this, this will tell us how much frames there are in the sequence and also what frame it ended at

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local CutsceneAnimation = {}
CutsceneAnimation.__index = CutsceneAnimation

function : KeyframeSequence)
   local self = {}
   setmetatable(self, CutsceneAnimation)
   self.KeyframeSequence = sequence
   self.Keyframes = sequence:GetKeyframes()
   self.Frame = 1
   self.Motors = {}
   print(#self.Keyframes.. "keyframes")
   return self

function CutsceneAnimation:UpdatePose(frame, DT : number)
   for _, pose : Pose in ipairs(frame:GetDescendants()) do
      if pose:IsA("Pose") then
         local Motor : Motor6D = self.Motors[pose.Name]
         if Motor then
            local x,y,z = pose.CFrame:ToEulerAnglesXYZ()
            if x == 0 and y == 0 and z == 0 and pose.CFrame.Position.Magnitude == 0 then
            Motor.Transform = Motor.Transform:Lerp(pose.CFrame, DT)

function CutsceneAnimation:Play(Rig : Model, startCFrame : CFrame)
   local CutsceneRig = Rig
   self.CutsceneRig = CutsceneRig
   local accumulatedTime = self.AccumulatedTime or 0

   for _, motor in ipairs(self.CutsceneRig:GetDescendants()) do
      if motor:IsA("Motor6D") then
         self.Motors[motor.Name] = motor

   if not startCFrame then
      startCFrame = CutsceneRig.PrimaryPart.CFrame

   CutsceneRig.PrimaryPart.Anchored = true
   CutsceneRig.PrimaryPart.CFrame = startCFrame

   CutsceneAnimation[Rig] = true

   table.sort(self.Keyframes, function(a, b)
      return a.Time < b.Time

   self:UpdatePose(self.Keyframes[self.Frame], 0)

   local Connection = nil

   Connection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(DT)
      if self.Paused then return end

      accumulatedTime += DT

      while self.Frame < #self.Keyframes and accumulatedTime >= self.Keyframes[self.Frame + 1].Time do
         self.Frame += 1
         self:UpdatePose(self.Keyframes[self.Frame], DT * 7)

      if accumulatedTime >= self.Keyframes[self.EndKeyframe or #self.Keyframes].Time then
         print("Stopped at"..self.Frame)
         Connection = nil
         CutsceneAnimation[Rig] = false

return CutsceneAnimation


It says that there’s 5 keyframes in the animation.

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Am I missing something? To me, it seems like the speed is the same, it just has maybe a slight playing delay at the beginning, which is probably due to the fact that animations has to replicate to other clients.

You can run the animation locally for every player and see if that helps.

Hold up I’m going to do some testing on a rigged door I just got out of toolbox, just HOLD ON

Nothing was mentioned about the speed alone of the door. In the studio playback you can see it doesn’t fully go into the wall, but in the playtest it goes beyond the wall.

I wasn’t gonna give up on you that easily @kalet14 ,

Alright so get this awesome spring module and put it inside of ReplicatedStorage (I didn’t create)
spr (Spring Module).rbxm (9.6 KB)

It’ll allow super smooth movement with some nice spring action, also it’s safe so dont worry about that

And then use this updated module

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local spr = require(ReplicatedStorage.spr)
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local CutsceneAnimation = {}
CutsceneAnimation.__index = CutsceneAnimation

function : KeyframeSequence)
   local self = {}
   setmetatable(self, CutsceneAnimation)
   self.KeyframeSequence = sequence
   self.Keyframes = sequence:GetKeyframes()
   self.Frame = 1
   self.Motors = {}
   return self

function CutsceneAnimation:Play(Rig : Model, startCFrame : CFrame)
   local CutsceneRig = Rig
   self.CutsceneRig = CutsceneRig
   local accumulatedTime = self.AccumulatedTime or 0

   for _, motor in ipairs(self.CutsceneRig:GetDescendants()) do
      if motor:IsA("Motor6D") then
         self.Motors[motor.Name] = motor


   if not startCFrame then
      startCFrame = CutsceneRig.PrimaryPart.CFrame

   CutsceneRig.PrimaryPart.Anchored = true
   CutsceneRig.PrimaryPart.CFrame = startCFrame

   CutsceneAnimation[Rig] = true

   table.sort(self.Keyframes, function(a, b)
      return a.Time < b.Time

   local Connection = nil

   local function updatePose()
      for _, pose : Pose in ipairs(self.Keyframes[self.Frame]:GetDescendants()) do
         if pose:IsA("Pose") then
            local Motor : Motor6D = self.Motors[pose.Name]
            if Motor then
               local x,y,z = pose.CFrame:ToEulerAnglesXYZ()
               if x == 0 and y == 0 and z == 0 and pose.CFrame.Position.Magnitude == 0 then
     , .4, 1,{
                  Transform = pose.CFrame

   Connection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(DT)
      if self.Paused then return end

      accumulatedTime += DT

      while self.Frame < #self.Keyframes and accumulatedTime >= self.Keyframes[self.Frame + 1].Time do
         self.Frame += 1

      if accumulatedTime >= self.Keyframes[self.EndKeyframe or #self.Keyframes].Time then
         print("Animation ended")
         Connection = nil
         CutsceneAnimation[Rig] = false

return CutsceneAnimation
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Unfortunately, I found a solution that isn’t really that well and limits my animating abilities for any future animations I make with the door model and that is using the animation editor that Studio has built in and I had to make a ton of keyframes since using any sort of easing at all will break the doors animation.

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wait wait but did you try my method though like, did you try my lastest post?

It doesn’t have to be this way

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I haven’t tried it, so I’m not really sure how it’ll turn out but I’ve heard of the spring module in two of my previous posts I’ve made and this time I might consider using it for the other door models I’m making which I won’t be able to animate with the default animator due to the doors needing some sort of bounce to them to make the animation actually look good.

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Yes it’ll add some very good bounce but just try my solution my latest post it’s all I ask


It just does this whenever I try to open it :frowning:

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Wait so the door doesnt move at all? Didnt it move before?

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Yup it doesn’t move anymore when I tried it with that!

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Nah im not giving up trust @kalet14,take a screenshot of your door and let me see all the Motor6Ds it has inside, I TOLD YOU I WOULD NOT GIVE UP ON YOU

@finaIlyhappy This is all there is in the door model

You didnt send a screenshot of anything @kalet14

Uh I did? Is the Devforum just not working anymore or something?

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So the only motor6Ds are DoorInner and Handle correct?

Yup that’s right! I have no other motor6DS on my model!

Yeah I’m not done here… not yet!

Okay so go into the module and inside of the updatePose function which is inside of the Play method,

put this line of code and tell me the things it prints, the line right after local Motor : Motor6D

