Annoying empty docking area feature when dragging windows around

When I drag around things like the explorer window in Roblox Studio the “Empty Docking Area” stuff always pops up and it can get really annoying. I like when all my elements are free and aren’t set in a certain position. I have my properties, explorer, asset manager, etc, all in one window that’s free.

I’m used to dragging it around and moving it so I can see the screen when necessary, but now when I drag it I keep seeing this Empty Docking Area windows and it messes me up and sometimes puts things into the wrong spot.

I want to know if there is a way to disable this dumb feature.


Yeah this is insanely obnoxious

I would also like to know if there is a feature to disable docking areas, this is very irritating as a scripter who always has to move tabs around to see their code and update things