Annoying Find Creators Scrolling

Reproduction Steps

  1. Go to Find Creators
  2. Put your mouse on a creator and try to scroll

Device Info
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36
Platform Type: PC
Device Type: Computer

Expected Behavior
I expect that I can scroll through the page of creators even when my box is on a creator.

Actual Behavior
The box containing the creators scrolls instead of the page, forcing me to try to move my mouse to find the right spot to scroll.

Move your mouse somewhere else on the page to scroll down.

Issue Area: Talent Hub
Page URL: Talent Hub
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date Last Experienced: 2021-08-06 05:08:00 (-07:00)


Thank you for the report! Flagged it with the team


Just to belatedly close the loop - this should now be resolved!


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