Annoying issue with Intersection

I’m currently trying to make a circular invisible border for my game.

I intersected a cylinder part to do this - there’s just one problem.
The inside of the intersection has collisions on - and I have no idea how to turn it off. I just want the border to be collidable.

Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

There’s an option under properties inside of unions called “CollisionFidelity”, this property changes the hitbox quality for your union. I typically change this to PreciseConvexDecomposition to get a good outcome. But sometimes if the object is too big or has too many vertices, you can get a weird hitbox.

If you’re trying to get a more reliable border that’s circular, I’d use the terrain option in the “Buildv4” plugin (made by blobbyblob).

Thanks, but I’d prefer not to use a plugin - I just found the CollisionFidelity option and you were right, it does give a weird hitbox. I’ll keep looking.

You could section your border into quarters or eighths to lower the size and vertices for each union, then set each union to PreciseConvex. (This would cause less but not perfect collision glitches)

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Thanks for the help, but I’ve just realised I don’t actually need a map border anyway…
oops :sweat_smile:

that method worked :smiley:
thank you :smiley:

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I know you dont want to use a plugin (i dont see the reasoning behind this but its fine everybody has their own opinions) but if you were open to trying one, you could use archimedes to create a perfect cylinder around your map. archimedes pretty much just does all the rotation calculations for you

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