Another “Error while receiving data, please reconnect” bug

Similar to the bug reported here: “Error while receiving data, please reconnect"

The bug reported previously appears to have been patched, and seemed to have occurred when users select a tool while respawning. The same error occurs in one of my games but I have been unable to reproduce it and I have no idea what causes it. Every so often when there are 2+ players in the server it disconnects everyone except 1 player (I think it’s the last player who joined) and displays the error “Error while receiving data, please reconnect.” I have no idea what triggers it. It could be related to spawning and calling LoadCharacter() because it sometimes happens right after a player dies but not always. I’ll try to read the console the next time it happens. Any one else having this issue or know of a fix?


Here’s the error in the log file when I experienced the bug, no clue what’s causing it still

1523383195.34632,3860,6 Error: Error while processing packet.
1523383195.34632,3860,6 Error while processing packet: Invalid property id: out of bounds or out of order (packet id: 131, packet length: 1337)
1523383195.34632,3860,7 Bad packet contents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
1523383195.48837,3860,7 Lost connection with reason : Error while receiving data, please reconnect
1523383195.48837,22cc,7 Removing replicator instance: 182B09B4
1523383195.50937,22cc,7 Sending disconnect with reason: 3
1523383195.50937,22cc,7 Replicator destroyed: 182B09B4
1523383195.53535,32c8,7 Connection lost
1523383195.53535,32c8,7 Connection lost: connectMode: Disconnect ASAP, timeMS:756483505, connectionTime 756411065
1523383195.53535,32c8,7 Connection lost: AckTimeout 0, IsOutgoingDataWaiting 0
1523383195.53535,32c8,7 Disconnection Notification. Reason: 3
1523383197.10643,0904,7 Client:Disconnect
1523383197.31744,0904,7 Client:Disconnect
1523383197.34142,0904,7 NetworkClient:Remove