Another Cloning Issue

Ok so, basically i’m trying to clone an model to another model Coordinates

The issue: When cloning and changing the CFrame coordinates the Model Looks rotated and i can’t change the coordinates (i mean, the model1 is on 0,0,0 and i want the model2 to model1 coordinates but +1 for example like minecraft that does model1 coordinates (~+1,~-10,~+7) also the model looks rotated)

How it appear
How it should be

Script i’m using

OriginalTrap = script.Parent.Traps.OriginalTrap
	Copy = OriginalTrap:Clone()

	Copy.Parent = OriginalTrap.Parent
	OriginalPosition = Part.PrimaryPart.Position
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May I get a look at your code?

Oh my bad, i forgot to write it in the post, remedy immediately

You could try adjusting the clone’s orientation property. As in, its rotation.

Make sure you do this before you set the clone’s parent.

Actually figured it out
If anyone needs here is how i fixed it: