Another exploiter crashing another server

Yeah, mostly just badge already awarded and print() functions. Also admin kicks and bans.

This could be something

Can you show the scripts invoking that remote?


I respectfully disagree with everyone claiming that this is being caused by a backdoor. Realistically, a lot more damage could be done with serversided exploits than crashing a game. This is most likely a Roblox bug being exploited, or a general script error that is causing the game to crash.

Edit: This doesn’t disregard the fact that it could be a backdoor.

This is what I originally thought.


This is the script, however it is used in nakogls’ CanaryAdmin and is used for that. I doubt that there is anything malicious in this.

-- The core resource manager and library loader for RoStrap

@rostrap Resources
– It is designed to increase organization and streamline the retrieval and networking of resources.
@documentation Resources - RoStrap
@source GitHub - RoStrap/Resources: RoStrap's Core Bootstrapper
@author Validark

local RunService = game:GetService(“RunService”)

local Metatable = {}
local Resources = setmetatable({}, Metatable)
local Caches = {} – All cached data within Resources is accessible through Resources:GetLocalTable()

local Instance_new, type, require =, type, require
local LocalResourcesLocation

local SERVER_SIDE = RunService:IsServer()
local UNINSTANTIABLE_INSTANCES = setmetatable({
Folder = false; RemoteEvent = false; BindableEvent = false;
RemoteFunction = false; BindableFunction = false; Library = true;
}, {
__index = function(self, InstanceType)
local Instantiable, GeneratedInstance = pcall(Instance_new, InstanceType)
local Uninstantiable

  if Instantiable and GeneratedInstance then
  	Uninstantiable = false
  	Uninstantiable = true

  self[InstanceType] = Uninstantiable
  return Uninstantiable


function Resources:GetLocalTable(TableName) – Returns a cached table by TableName, generating if non-existant
TableName = self ~= Resources and self or TableName
local Table = Caches[TableName]

if not Table then
Table = {}
Caches[TableName] = Table

return Table

local function GetFirstChild(Folder, InstanceName, InstanceType)
local Object = Folder:FindFirstChild(InstanceName)

if not Object then
if UNINSTANTIABLE_INSTANCES[InstanceType] then error(“[Resources] " … InstanceType … " "” … InstanceName … "" is not installed within " … Folder:GetFullName() … “.”, 2) end
Object = Instance_new(InstanceType)
Object.Name = InstanceName
Object.Parent = Folder

return Object

function Metatable:__index(MethodName)
if type(MethodName) ~= “string” then error(“[Resources] Attempt to index Resources with invalid key: string expected, got " … typeof(MethodName), 2) end
if MethodName:sub(1, 3) ~= “Get” then error(”[Resources] Methods should begin with "Get"", 2) end
local InstanceType = MethodName:sub(4)

– Set CacheName to [“RemoteEvent” … “s”], or [“Librar” … “ies”]
local a, b = InstanceType:byte(-2, -1) – this is a simple gimmick but works well enough for all Roblox ClassNames :smiley:
local CacheName = b == 121 and a ~= 97 and a ~= 101 and a ~= 105 and a ~= 111 and a ~= 117 and InstanceType:sub(1, -2) … “ies” or InstanceType … “s”
local IsLocal = InstanceType:sub(1, 5) == “Local”
local Cache, Folder, FolderGetter – Function Constants

if IsLocal then – Determine whether a method is local
InstanceType = InstanceType:sub(6)

  if InstanceType == "Folder" then
  	FolderGetter = function() return GetFirstChild(LocalResourcesLocation, "Resources", "Folder") end
  	FolderGetter = Resources.GetLocalFolder

if InstanceType == “Folder” then
FolderGetter = function() return script end
FolderGetter = Resources.GetFolder

local function GetFunction(this, InstanceName)
InstanceName = this ~= self and this or InstanceName
if type(InstanceName) ~= “string” then error("[Resources] " … MethodName … " expected a string parameter, got " … typeof(InstanceName), 2) end

  if not Folder then
  	Cache = Caches[CacheName]
  	Folder = FolderGetter(IsLocal and CacheName:sub(6) or CacheName)

  	if not Cache then
  		Cache = Folder:GetChildren() -- Cache children of Folder into Table
  		Caches[CacheName] = Cache

  		for i = 1, #Cache do
  			local Child = Cache[i]
  			Cache[Child.Name] = Child
  			Cache[i] = nil

  local Object = Cache[InstanceName]

  if not Object then
  	if SERVER_SIDE or IsLocal then
  		Object = GetFirstChild(Folder, InstanceName, InstanceType)
  		Object = Folder:WaitForChild(InstanceName, 5)

  		if not Object then
  			local Caller = getfenv(0).script

  			if Caller and Caller.Parent and Caller.Parent.Parent == script then
  				warn("[Resources] Make sure a Script in ServerScriptService calls `Resources:LoadLibrary(\"" .. Caller.Name .. "\")`")
  				if InstanceType == "Library" then
  					warn("[Resources] Did you forget to install " .. InstanceName .. "?")
  				elseif InstanceType == "Folder" then
  					warn("[Resources] Make sure a Script in ServerScriptService calls `require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(\"Resources\"))`")

  			Object = Folder:WaitForChild(InstanceName)

  	Cache[InstanceName] = Object

  return Object


Resources[MethodName] = GetFunction
return GetFunction

if not SERVER_SIDE then
local LocalPlayer repeat LocalPlayer = game:GetService(“Players”).LocalPlayer until LocalPlayer or not wait()
repeat LocalResourcesLocation = LocalPlayer:FindFirstChildOfClass(“PlayerScripts”) until LocalResourcesLocation or not wait()
LocalResourcesLocation = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”)
local LibraryRepository = LocalResourcesLocation:FindFirstChild(“Repository”) or game:GetService(“ServerScriptService”):FindFirstChild(“Repository”)

local function CacheLibrary(Storage, Library, StorageName)
if Storage[Library.Name] then
error(“[Resources] Duplicate " … StorageName … " Found:\n\t”
… Storage[Library.Name]:GetFullName() … " and \n\t"
… Library:GetFullName()
… “\nOvershadowing is only permitted when a server-only library overshadows a replicated library”
, 0)
Storage[Library.Name] = Library

if LibraryRepository then
– If Folder Repository exists, move all Libraries over to ReplicatedStorage
– unless if they have “Server” in their name or in the name of a parent folder

  local ServerLibraries = {}
  local ReplicatedLibraries = Resources:GetLocalTable("Libraries")
  local FoldersToHandle = {}
  local FolderChildren, ExclusivelyServer = LibraryRepository:GetChildren(), false

  while FolderChildren do
  	FoldersToHandle[FolderChildren] = nil

  	for i = 1, #FolderChildren do
  		local Child = FolderChildren[i]
  		local ClassName = Child.ClassName
  		local ServerOnly = ExclusivelyServer or (Child.Name:find("Server", 1, true) and true or false)

  		if ClassName == "ModuleScript" then
  			if ServerOnly then
  				Child.Parent = Resources:GetLocalFolder("Libraries")
  				CacheLibrary(ServerLibraries, Child, "ServerLibraries")
  				-- ModuleScripts which are not descendants of ServerOnly folders and do not have "Server" in name should be moved to Libraries
  				--	if there are descendants of the ModuleScript with "Server" in the name, we should copy the original for use on the server
  				--	and replicate a version with everything with "Server" in the name deleted

  				local ModuleDescendants = Child:GetDescendants()
  				local TemplateObject

  				-- Iterate through the ModuleScript's Descendants, deleting those with "Server" in the Name

  				for j = 1, #ModuleDescendants do
  					local Descendant = ModuleDescendants[j]

  					if Descendant.Name:find("Server", 1, true) then
  						if not TemplateObject then -- Before the first deletion, clone Child
  							TemplateObject = Child:Clone()


  				if TemplateObject then -- If we want to replicate an object with Server descendants, move the server-version to LocalLibraries
  					TemplateObject.Parent = Resources:GetLocalFolder("Libraries")
  					CacheLibrary(ServerLibraries, TemplateObject, "ServerLibraries")

  				Child.Parent = Resources:GetFolder("Libraries") -- Replicate Child which may have had things deleted
  				CacheLibrary(ReplicatedLibraries, Child, "ReplicatedLibraries")
  		elseif ClassName == "Folder" then
  			FoldersToHandle[Child:GetChildren()] = ServerOnly
  			error("[Resources] Instances within your Repository must be either a ModuleScript or a Folder, found: " .. ClassName .. " " .. Child:GetFullName(), 0)
  	FolderChildren, ExclusivelyServer = next(FoldersToHandle)

  for Name, Library in next, ServerLibraries do
  	ReplicatedLibraries[Name] = Library



local LoadedLibraries = Resources:GetLocalTable(“LoadedLibraries”)
local CurrentlyLoading = {} – This is a hash which LoadLibrary uses as a kind of linked-list history of [Script who Loaded] → Library

function Resources:LoadLibrary(LibraryName)
LibraryName = self ~= Resources and self or LibraryName
local Data = LoadedLibraries[LibraryName]

if Data == nil then
local Caller = getfenv(0).script or {Name = “Command bar”} – If called from command bar, use table as a reference (never concatenated)
local Library = Resources:GetLibrary(LibraryName)

  CurrentlyLoading[Caller] = Library

  -- Check to see if this case occurs:
  -- Library -> Stuff1 -> Stuff2 -> Library

  -- WHERE CurrentlyLoading[Library] is Stuff1
  -- and CurrentlyLoading[Stuff1] is Stuff2
  -- and CurrentlyLoading[Stuff2] is Library

  local Current = Library
  local Count = 0

  while Current do
  	Count = Count + 1
  	Current = CurrentlyLoading[Current]

  	if Current == Library then
  		local String = Current.Name -- Get the string traceback

  		for _ = 1, Count do
  			Current = CurrentlyLoading[Current]
  			String = String .. " -> " .. Current.Name

  		error("[Resources] Circular dependency chain detected: " .. String)

  Data = require(Library)

  if CurrentlyLoading[Caller] == Library then -- Thread-safe cleanup!
  	CurrentlyLoading[Caller] = nil

  if Data == nil then
  	error("[Resources] " .. LibraryName .. " must return a non-nil value. Return false instead.")

  LoadedLibraries[LibraryName] = Data -- Cache by name for subsequent calls


return Data

Metatable.__call = Resources.LoadLibrary
return Resources

try removing the admin and see if it still crashes

It isn’t crashing anymore (the exploiter may have left if there is one), I personally think it must be an exploiter as it only happens at complete random times.

I’ve been in game for the past 15 minutes and haven’t experienced any sort of lag or game crashes. This is most likely an exploiter.

1 Like

The exploiters could be abusing something within the admin, however they can’t invoke other peoples remotes. So the admin could be vulnerable in some way that crashes the game.

There isnt a shutdown feature in the admin or a crash one. I doubt it is the admin as wouldn’t it alert you with a kick message?

I mean vulnerable as in crashing the server in some way not on purpose. So people get disconnected completely? Not just server lag for a bit?

Full disconnect, no server lag.

They are definitely abusing a script in your game then. What it looks like in the picture you sent, someone joining the game got kicked, not someone already in the game. Do you have any custom player loading or anything?

No loading things just plain join the game.

I looked in your game and it most likely is a backdoor.
hit ctrl + shift + f and search for ‘require’
if it seems suspicious delete it.
also, I recommend you delete the Discord thing in the bottom left or your game will be taken down when Roblox finds it

Does roblox not allow people to join discord servers? Isn’t this in the game page and group page?

I looked for this a few days ago, nothing suspicious.

Yes, but it only shows for accounts 13+. Discord is also tagged out in chat

Okay, sure, thanks! (30charsss)

The odds of this are almost none or else we’d be seeing the same issue in popular games across the platform.

An anti-exploit script will not help you, generic anti-exploit scripts can be used to detect basic speed hacks and no clips, but not much else. If exploiters are crashing your servers, it means there’s a vulnerability built into your game. Mostly likely you have a remote somewhere that exploits are able to rapidly fire repeatedly which causes the server to crash, for example due it either performing a very cpu intensive action or by spawning in lots of objects. I’d advice you to check what all your remotes do as exploiters can and will fire them whenever and however they like!

As mentioned above, any free models or plugins you use that aren’t from a reputable developer have a chance of adding backdoors into your game, allowing exploiters to do whatever they like. Be careful when using freemodels and plugins


I think you have that a little bit backwards:

Moving forward, Filtering Enabled games will simply be called “games.” From a user perspective, the default status of a Roblox game is that it is secure and that it has Filtering Enabled. Games that do not have Filtering Enabled, on the other hand, will be called “Experimental Mode games.”

Regardless, it is correct that all games use Filtering Enabled/are non-Experimental Mode.