I bulit another low poly terrain after this one, what do you think?
If you want to see it in game the link is here:
I bulit another low poly terrain after this one, what do you think?
If you want to see it in game the link is here:
Maybe work on the water color a little. Also try fixing the bridge the wood parts are not even.
Idk how to make water cartoony but i’ll work on that!
Probaly make it more blue it looks a bit white to me.
I think it looks very cool and very Low Poly.
It looks very decent! If this was on sale I would definitely buy it! The only thing I have a suggestion on is that the color of the water looks not very the “color” that water should be.
This low poly terrain is really detail (for a low poly terrain).I like it !!
Looks awesome, kind of like a deathrun style, keep up the good work!