Another Open Sourced Combat System


Sup, before you read everything this is already older, and I started a new series on my YouTube channel where I’m making a new combat system, the link to that is here


Hey devforum, so for context I started a little series on my Youtube channel like 2 months ago about a combat system. After the tutorial was basically finished I still added more and more stuff to it and a lot of people seemed to like it. Now I decided to well, just open source the whole system.


Keep in mind I am definitely not the best scripter so some code may not be very good.


Combat System Test Place.rbxl (1.1 MB)

THE VIDEO (good for understanding the basic stuff)

The way I said on how to add animation events with the normal editor was wrong or at least doesnt seem to work with the system so if somene knows what the right way is please tell me lol

THE GAME (not open for editing cuz I’m also working on it for personal use)


Not much more to say, have a nice day. If you find bugs tell me and I will try to fix them!

Cute cat here:



How to remove feint???

remove the specific code for it, mostly in the combat client and server

I’m currently reworking one of my side project’s combat system and this ressource will definetly come handy for blocking & how to make NPCs utilize the combat system.

Thanks a lot for sharing & having a very good organization.

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Wait wait wait, is that Rachet the cat?

I don’t know but the cat was silly lol

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I’ve updated the file to fix a minor bug where players sometimes couldn’t attack after respawning. I also fixed the naginata animation dummy.

gonna make an update on the Npcs today :ok_hand:

Added sprinting and bug fixes, new file is the one on the top. The video for that: !

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Completely forgot to put the heavy sound here, sorry!

Made a new update to the system, we finally have mobile support for dashing :speaking_head::fire:

You can watch the video here:

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sorry if this is a stupid question but for me the anims dont play, why is that?