Another way to save Data without using ROBLOX


Many people have wanted a way to store data easily, and DataStoreService is quite tricky especially if you want to get the data across different games and servers, but the method I’m about to give isn’t, and requires a few steps.


You need an account with trello, you can make one here, this is totally free!

You need to make a board, to do this click the plus button in the right hand corner, image
After click click Create Board
Then fill out the information and make the board. After you have done that click Add a List

Once you’ve made a list you can now go into roblox studio and insert this module into your game.

You can get the module here.

Now, go into studio, open the module and go to auth and follow instructions there. Once you’ve done that, follow these next steps.

Make a local script or server script your choice and do the following:

-- Server Script
local trello = require(
local Board = trello:GetBoardByName("Put the board name here")
local List = Board:GetListByName("List name here")

-- How to create a card

local card ="Card", "Name of card", list)

You will see this:

For example if you want to scan a list for cards for example player usernames do:

-- Local Script
local trello = require(
local Board = trello:GetBoardByName("Put the board name here")
local List = Board:GetListByName("List name here")

for i,v in pairs(List:GetCards()) do
if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name == v:GetName() then
-- Found username
-- Not found username

NOTE: This is not all what this module can do with Trello it was just the bare bones of it, any questions just ask

If you have any questions DM me, ClearlyJason#4493

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