Antarctic Eats || Handbook
Welcome to Antarctic Eats, where “You find warmth in our food, and cold in the atmosphere.” This is an international dining experience where you can find exotic foods ranging from Ayran to Yakiniku. We strive to have delicious exotic food for any personality and hard working employees. To get a meal, go to the front desk and talk to staff, or sit at one of the front table for take-out. We are still a work in progress, so we would appreciate your donations! Have a fantastic day!
Est: July 5, 2021
Antarctic Eats :!/about
Calendar: Antarctic Eats Calendar
General Handbook
This includes ruining the game for others. The punishment is 1 warning, 1 kick, then ban. This may result in being fired.
This includes annoying others and being disruptive. The punishment is 3 warnings, 2 kicks, then ban. This may result in being fired if it gets to the ban stage twice.
This includes repeatedly typing messages that are similar or the same and flooding the chat. The punishment is 3 warnings, 1 kick, then ban. This may result in being fired if it gets to the ban stage twice.
This includes being rude and disrespecting others. The punishment is 3 warnings, 2 kicks, then ban. This may result in being fired.
Hacking or Glitching
This includes going anywhere that is against the way the game was designed to be (flying, glitching into employee areas, glitching into VIP eating areas, ect). The punishment is 2 warnings, 1 kick, then ban. This may result in being fired.
Complaints, Suggestions, and Tipping
Complaints and Suggestions
To file a complaint or make a suggestion, go to a table, and click the screen on the monitor. Then, click the button that says, “Make a suggestion”. Then, type the suggestion or complaint, and click send.
To tip a worker, go to a table, and click the screen on the monitor. Then, click the button that says, “Tip a worker”. Then, select the worker, select the amount of snowballs, then click tip.
Trainings & Applications
They will be scheduled on the calendar at least a day in advance. Board Member meetings may be scheduled as little as 6 hours in advance. If you are working there, you are expected to be there 10 minutes early. If you are taking the training or application, I suggest being there 5 minutes early. There are 5 rules about trainings and applications.
- Don’t talk while the host or your instructor is talking.
- Treat everyone with respect.
- Have good grammar.
- Do what your instructor or host tells you to do.
- Don’t troll, exploit, spam, hack, etc.
If you follow these rules and do everything correctly, you should pass.
There are 4 requirements for your group to be partnered with our group.
- Respect our group and our employees.
- You must have at least 1500 non-bot members
- Your group must be active.
- You must follow all rules stated above in the Rules section.
Your application must be sent to the Vice President, a Board Member, or the President. You may catch us at trainings or applications, but be there 10 minutes early and tell us right away, so we don’t kick you from the server. Your application must answer these questions.
- How many members does your have?
- What is your group focused on?
- What is the name of your group?
- Why do you want our partnership?
- Are you aware that you must follow all these rules, or the alliance may end?
- How does your group work?
- Why do you think our partnership would be a good thing?
- Are you aware that if we cannot cooperate, the alliance may end?
- How will Antarctic Eats benefit?
- How will your group benefit?
- Is anyone from your group already involved with Antarctic Eats? Who?
Ban Appeal
You must apply to be unbanned from the Main Restaurant before you are unbanned. Your application must be sent to the Vice President, a Board Member, or the President. You may catch us at trainings or applications, but be there 10 minutes early and tell us right away, so we don’t kick you from the server. Your application must answer these questions.
- What is your username?
- Why should we unban you?
- How will you change?
- Why do you want to be unbanned?
- Why do you think we banned you?
Employee Handbook
Lower Ranks
Junior Chef
You earn this rank after passing the training for Trainees. Your job is to serve customers, warn players that are breaking the rules, and keep the restaurant clean by mopping up messes. You do not need any points to get this rank. To advance to the next rank, you need 250 points.
You earn this rank after getting 250 and passing the training for Trainees. Your job is to serve customers, warn players that are breaking the rules, and keep the restaurant clean by mopping up messes. You need 250 points to get this rank. To advance to the next rank, you need 500 points.
Senior Chef
You earn this rank after getting 500 points and passing the training for Trainees. Your job is to serve customers, warn players that are breaking the rules, and keep the restaurant clean by mopping up messes. You need 500 points to get this rank. To advance to the next rank, you need 750 points.
Head Chef
You earn this rank after getting 750 points and passing the training for Trainees. Your job is to serve customers, warn players that are breaking the rules, and keep the restaurant clean by mopping up messes, but you can also answer any questions customers have, give tours, and help customers in other ways by working at customer service. You need 750 points to get this rank. To advance to the next rank, you need to get 1000 points, take and pass the Manager application, and attend and pass the Upper Rank training.
Upper Ranks
You earn this rank after getting 1000 points, taking and passing the Manager application, and attending and passing the Upper Rank training. Your job is to answer any questions customers have, give tours, and help customers in any other way by working at customer service, supervise Lower Ranks, warn and/or kick players that are breaking the rules, and do all Lower Rank jobs. You need 1000 points to get this rank. To advance to the next rank, you need to get 1250 points and pass the Supervisor application.
You earn this rank after getting 1250 points, taking and passing the Supervisor application, and attending and passing the Upper Rank training. Your job is to answer any questions customers have, give tours, and help customers in any other way by working at customer service, supervise Lower Ranks, warn and/or kick players that are breaking the rules, and do all Lower Rank jobs. You need 1250 points to get this rank. To advance to the next rank, you need to get 1500 points and pass the International Chef application.
International Chef
You earn this rank after getting 1500 points, taking and passing the International Chef application, and attending and passing the Upper Rank training. Your job is to answer any questions customers have, give tours, and help customers in any other way by working at customer service, supervise Lower Ranks, warn and/or kick players that are breaking the rules, work at trainings, and do all Lower Rank jobs. You need 1500 points to get this rank. To advance to the next rank, you need to get 2000 points, pass the 5 Star Chef application, and pass the 5 Star Chef Training.
Rewarded Ranks
5 Star Chef
You earn this rank after getting 2000 points, passing the 5 Star Chef application, and passing the 5 Star Chef training. Your job is to host trainings, work at trainings, warn, kick, and/or ban players that are breaking the rules, you MAY get rewarded (NOT GUARANTEED), and do all Lower Rank and Upper Rank jobs. You need 2000 points to get this rank. To advance to the next rank, you need to get 2500 points, pass the Celebrity Chef application, and pass the Celebrity Chef training.
Celebrity Chef
You earn this rank after getting 2500 points, passing the Celebrity Chef application, and passing the Celebrity Chef training. Your job is to host trainings, work at trainings, warn, kick, and/or ban players that are breaking the rules, you MAY get rewarded (NOT GUARANTEED), and do all Lower Rank and Upper Rank jobs. You need 2500 points to get this rank. To advance to the next rank, you need 3000 points and you need to pass the International Culinary Genius application and training.
International Culinary Genius
You earn this rank after getting 3000 points and passing the International Culinary Chef application and training. Your job is to host trainings, work at trainings, warn, kick, and/or ban players that are breaking the rules, you MAY get rewarded (NOT GUARANTEED), and do all Lower Rank and Upper Rank jobs. You need 3000 points to get this rank. To earn one of the Executive Officer Ranks, you must meet all the requirements.
Executive Officer Ranks
Head of Staffing
You earn this rank after getting 4000 points, playing for 72 hours, and passing the Head of Staffing application and training. Your job is to host trainings, host applications, report to the President if you feel someone needs to be fired, do routine checks on workers across multiple servers, and do all Lower Rank, Upper Rank, and Rewarded Rank jobs. You need 4000 points to get this rank. To earn a different Executive Officer Rank, you must meet all the requirements.
Head of Advertising
You earn this rank after getting 4000 points, playing for 72 hours, and passing the Head of Advertising application and training. Your job is to advertise using social media (Tik Tok, Instagram, Discord, ect.) , get people to join the group, and do all Lower Rank, Upper Rank, and Rewarded Rank jobs. You need 4000 points to get this rank. To earn a different Executive Officer Rank, you must meet all the requirements.
Board Member
You earn this rank after getting 5000 points, playing for 96 hours, and passing the Board Member application and training. Your job is to advise the President and do all Lower Rank, Upper Rank, and Rewarded Rank jobs. You need 5000 points to get this rank. There will be 7 Board Members at all times. To get a different Executive Officer Rank or a Company Leadership Rank, you must meet all the requirements.
Company Leadership Ranks
Vice President
You earn this rank after getting 7500 points, playing for 120 hours, being nominated by the president, and being elected by the Board of Directors. Your job is to advise the President, take advice from the Board of Directors, host trainings and applications, and do all other rank jobs. You need 7500 points to get this rank.
You earn this rank after getting 7500 points, playing for 120 hours, being nominated by the president, and being elected by the Board of Directors. Your job is to take advice from the Vice President and Board of Directors, host all trainings and applications, maintain the company, and do all other rank jobs. You need 7500 points to get this rank.
Rank Jobs
Lower Rank Jobs
Serving Customers
You will go behind the front desk and wait for a customer to come up to you (DO NOT walk up to customers). These are the recommended steps, but you can modify these:
- Introduce yourself and ask them how many people are in their party.
- Ask whether they would like to sit upstairs, downstairs, or a gamepass area.
- If they say gamepass, ask which one. If they say upstairs or downstairs, ask whether they would like to sit inside or outside.
- If they said gamepass in step 2, lead them to the one they want, and let them pick their seat. If they said upstairs or downstairs in step 2, ask them whether they would like to sit at an open cooking table, booth, or regular table.
- Lead them to their seat, and ask if it is good, or if they would like to sit somewhere else.
- Ask if they would like drinks, and what drink they want.
- Ask if they would like any appetizers, and ask what appetizers they want.
- Ask if they would like an entree, and ask what entree they want.
- Ask if they would like dessert, and ask what they would like for dessert.
- Ask them if they need anything else, and if they say yes, help them. If they say no, say goodbye and leave.
If you see customers sit down at a take out table, go up to them. These are the recommended steps, but you can modify these:
- Introduce yourself and ask what they want.
- After you get their food, ask them if they need anything else, and if they say yes, help them. If they say no, say goodbye and leave.
Warning Players
In the Rules section above, you will see when to warn them. To warn them, tell them to please stop doing it. After you’ve warned them the specified amount of times, call for an Upper Rank in the Discord (Coming Soon) or group wall.
To clean, look for spots on the ground (They will be obvious), and click them with your mop in hand to clean them.
Upper Rank Jobs
Working at Customer Service
You will go to the Customer Service Building (on the left), and go behind the desk. Wait for a customer to walk up to you (DO NOT walk up to them). These are the recommended steps for helping them, but you may modify these:
- Introduce yourself and ask if they have a question, want a tour, or something else.
- Answer their question or help them with what they want.
If they sit down at a table, you may walk up to them and follow these steps.
Kicking Players
In the Rules section above, you will see when to kick them. Only kick them if they keep doing what they were told to stop doing, and only if they’ve been warned 3 times(Unless stated by rules). To kick them, type, “/kick xyz” where xyz is the exact player username. Make sure to state your reason.
Help Lower Ranks that have questions, and make sure they are doing their job right. If they are being impolite or doing their job wrong, remind them.
Working at Trainings
Upper Ranks can only work at trainings for Trainees. You will teach them how to cook, clean, serve, and warn players. You are expected to be there 10 minutes early.
Rewarded Rank Jobs
Hosting Trainings
You can only host trainings for Trainees. You will tell them the overview of the training (sent to you before the training). You will also supervise other workers at trainings. The highest ranked person there will host the training, so just because you are at the training, it doesn’t mean you will get to host it. You are expected to be there 10 minutes early.
Working at Trainings
You can only work at Upper Rank trainings and trainings for Trainees. At Upper Rank trainings, you will teach them how to work at customer service, kick players, and supervise. You are expected to be there 10 minutes early.
Getting Rewarded
IF and when you get rewarded (IT IS NOT GUARANTEED), the higher rank you are, the more rewards.
You MAY(IT IS NOT GUARANTEED) get rewarded hourly. You MAY(IT IS NOT GUARANTEED) only get rewarded for time at the main restaurant.
Banning Players
In the Rules section above, you will see when to ban them. Only ban them after they keep doing what they were told to stop doing, and they have been kicked(Unless stated by rules). To ban, use the ban command. Make sure to state the reason.
Executive Officer Rank Jobs
Head of Staffing Jobs
Hosting Trainings
You can host trainings for Trainees and Upper Rank trainings. You will tell them the overview of the training (sent to you before the training). You will also supervise other workers at the training. The highest ranked person there will host the training, so just because you are at the training, it doesn’t mean you will get to host it. You are expected to be there 10 minutes early.
Working at Trainings
You can work at all trainings for below Head of Staffing. At Rewarded Rank trainings, you will teach them how to host trainings, work at trainings, and ban players. You are expected to be there 10 minutes early.
Hosting Applications
You can host all applications for below Head of Staffing. You will tell them the overview of the application (sent to you before the application). You will also work at the application. The highest ranked person there will host the application, so just because you are at the application, it doesn’t mean you will get to host it. You are expected to be there 10 minutes early.
Working at Applications
You can work at all applications for below Head of Staffing. You will bring one person at a time into a room, where you will ask them a set of questions (sent to you before the application). You will keep track of how many questions they get right.
Routine Checks & Reporting Workers
Before an application or training starts, tell the President if someone needs to be fired. If someone does, tell the President their exact username and why they need to be fired. The President will then look into it. In between trainings, go onto the servers a few times and order food a couple times, or just walk around and inspect workers to make sure they are doing their job right. If they make a couple mistakes here and there, they DO NOT need to be fired. If they are being extremely rude and not paying attention to reminders from other workers, they may need to be fired. More specific instructions will be in the Rules section above.
Head of Advertising Jobs
On Tik Tok, Instagram, Discord, and other social media websites, post ads approved by the President. The President will tell you when and what to post. ONLY post when the President says to and ONLY post what the President sends to you. Not following these guidelines can and will result in a demotion, and if it happens again, it will result in being fired. DO NOT spam ads. DO NOT continually pressure someone into joining Antarctic Eats.
Board Member Jobs
Giving Advice
Use your best judgement to decide whether it is good advice or not. It should help the company, not hurt it.
Company Leadership Rank Jobs
Vice President Jobs
Hosting Trainings
You can host any training. You will tell them the overview for the training (sent to you before the training). You will also supervise other workers at the training. The highest ranked person there will host the training, so just because you are at the training, it doesn’t mean you will get to host it. You are expected to be there 10 minutes early.
Working at Trainings
You can work at any training. You will teach them how to do their job for their rank.
Hosting Applications
You can host any application. You will tell them the overview of the application (sent to you before the application). You will also work at the application. The highest ranked person there will host the application, so just because you are at the application, it doesn’t mean you will get to host it. You are expected to be there 10 minutes early.
Working at Applications
You can work at any application. You will bring one person at a time into a room, where you will ask them a set of questions (sent to you before the application). You will keep track of how many questions they get right.
Giving and Taking Advice
Use your best judgement to decide whether it is good advice or not. It should help the company, not hurt it.
President Jobs
Managing Antarctic Eats
When you become president, you will be able to make big decisions and changes. Before you enact a decision or make a change, consult the Board Members and VP before doing so.
Hosting Trainings
You can host any training. You will tell them the overview for the training (sent to you before the training). You will also supervise other workers at the training. The highest ranked person there will host the training, so just because you are at the training, it doesn’t mean you will get to host it. You are expected to be there 10 minutes early.
Working at Trainings
You can work at any training. You will teach them how to do their job for their rank.
Hosting Applications
You can host any application. You will tell them the overview of the application (sent to you before the application). You will also work at the application. The highest ranked person there will host the application, so just because you are at the application, it doesn’t mean you will get to host it. You are expected to be there 10 minutes early.
Working at Applications
You can work at any application. You will bring one person at a time into a room, where you will ask them a set of questions (sent to you before the application). You will keep track of how many questions they get right.
Taking Advice
Use your best judgement to decide whether it is good advice or not. It should help the company, not hurt it.
Rank Requirements
Lower Rank Requirements
Training for Trainees
You become a Trainee within 24 hours after passing the automated application. After becoming a trainee, you must go to a training and pass. Here, you will learn how to cook, clean, serve, and warn players. You will then become a Junior Chef.
You must get the required amount of points for the next rank, and you will be ranked within 24 hours.
Upper Rank Requirements
Upper Rank Training
You will be able to attend the training after getting the required amount of points and passing the application. Here, you will learn how to kick players, work at customer service, and work at trainings. If you pass, you will become a Manager
Manager, Supervisor, and International Chef Applications
They are basically the same, but you need to take each one to show that you are dedicated to the company.
You must get the required amount of points for the next rank, and you will be able to take the next application.
Rewarded Rank Requirements
5 Star Chef, Celebrity Chef, and International Culinary Genius Trainings
You are able to take them after you have gotten the required points and passed the application. They are basically the same, but you need to take each one to show that you are dedicated to the company. Here, you will learn how to host trainings, work at trainings, and ban players.
5 Star Chef, Celebrity Chef, and International Culinary Genius Applications
They are basically the same, but you need to take each one to show that you are dedicated to the company.
You must get the required amount of points for the next rank, and you will be able to take the next application.
Executive Officer Rank Requirements
Head of Staffing Application
You will be able to take it after you have played for 72 hours and gotten 4000 points. If you pass, you may take the training. The amount of Heads of Staffing may vary depending on the size of the group, so you will not always be able to take the application.
Head of Staffing Training
You will be able to take it after you have played for 72 hours, gotten 4000 points, and passed the application. Here, you will learn how to host trainings, host applications, report to the president, and do routine checks. If you pass, you will become Head of Staffing.
Head of Advertising Application
You will be able to take it after you have played for 72 hours and gotten 4000 points. If you pass, you may take the training. The amount of Heads of Advertising may vary depending on the size of the group, so you will not always be able to take the application.
Head of Advertising Training
You will be able to take it after you have played for 72 hours, gotten 4000 points, and passed the application. Here, you will learn how to advertise. If you pass, you will become Head of Advertising.
Board Member Application
You will be able to take it after you have played for 96 hours and gotten 5000 points. If you pass, you may take the training. The amount of Board Members may vary depending on the size of the group, so you will not always be able to take the application.
Board Member Training
You will be able to take it after you have played for 96 hours, gotten 5000 points, and passed the application. Here, you will learn how to give advice. If you pass, you will become a Board Member.
You must play at the Main Restaurant for the total amount of time to meet this requirement.
You must get the required amount of points to meet this requirement.
Company Leadership Rank Requirements
When the President or Vice President wants to give up their seat, the President will nominate someone for the position.
After you have been nominated, the Board of Directors will vote yes or no to inducting you into office. At least 2/3 of the board members must vote yes for you to pass.
You must play at the Main Restaurant for the total amount of time to meet this requirement.
You must get the required amount of points to meet this requirement.
To get points, you must work at the restaurant. You get 1 point each time you hand a customer a dish or clean up a mess. You will also get 5 points every 30 minutes you play. You can also get points by buying them with robux.