Anti animation-exploit script

I think we all know about the annoying animation exploit that’s been occurring lately (People modifying their animations so they can twerk, hover, turn into a snake etc.) - it’s really annoying, and isn’t a part of the core gameplay (Not to mention some of the animations are explicit and can leave a lasting impression on the users.)

Anyways, I did my research into how the animation exploit worked (Tried Fiddler 2, didn’t work - tried CE, worked like a charm), and I discovered a patch for it.

The new animation script (Being that they’re advanced, and not like the old default animations), requires animation objects - that’s why you see string values and animation objects under the animation script.

CE modifies the actual animation ID’s in the script/animation objects, which is how I can check for illegal animations.

Generally, animations aren’t trusted (They won’t load) unless you made them and it’s one of your places. That being said, rbxassetid:// bypasses this trust check, and allows for the loading of custom animations. Therefore, I can simply check to see if the animation it’s first characters starts with rbxassetid://, and it kicks them automatically. This only applies to the default character animations, and not external animation objects, so you can still use rbxassetid with those.

Anyways, just require the module (Ie: replace_anims = require(module), and run it on their player when you want to prevent them from exploiting (Player added works best)

Edit: Hi, saw this got linked from steadyon. Regrettably my old google drive doesn’t work anymore/I don’t think this works anymore (Could be mistaken).

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Wait, so if I made a modified version of the ROBLOX animations (which I actually did) and wanted all users to be able to use them instead of having to import my animations and pay to upload them themselves, I could just use rbxassetid:// instead of ??

[strike]Yup.[/strike] i tl;dr’d sorry.

By the way, best counter to animation exploits is custom chat systems.
It makes the exploits impossible.


[strike]Yup.[/strike] i tl;dr’d sorry.

By the way, best counter to animation exploits is custom chat systems.
It makes the exploits impossible.[/quote]

I’m talking about replacing the animations in the character (Ie: Jumping animation, walking animation, emotes etc.) - not chat commands.