Hey, I’ve been trying to make this anti-btools script for an hour and it’s not working.
I need a simple anti-btools script which makes it so if a person gets a tool called “Hammer” then they’re automatically kicked from the game.
Can someone help me with this and post it?
Do you have any code you’ve written so far that we can help you with? This category isn’t for requests.
Yeah I do but I’m new to scripting and it doesn’t work.
November 19, 2019, 6:50pm
@reset6220209 Ah I see your problem.
Is that a local script?
Yes it is a local script, can you help me with it?
November 19, 2019, 6:51pm
If it is then you need to do a remote function to kick the player from the sever. Local scripts cant kick people from the sever.
Uhhh a remote function? Do you mean remote event or??
If it’s a localscript, it’s not going to be very secure (the exploiter can just delete the script before adding in the btools).
@DevConX This is incorrect. Player:Kick()
works on the client.
November 19, 2019, 6:51pm
You specified the name of the object you want to not be inside the game. You actually need to use the ClassName for using IsA
. Replace line 8 with this :
if Obj.Name == "Hopperbin" then
November 19, 2019, 6:52pm
LocalScripts can kick the local player, but an exploiter can easily prevent that. You’d want to kick from the server.
November 19, 2019, 6:53pm
if Obj.ClassName == "HopperBin" then -- hopperbin is depreciated, that's probably why it's not working
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November 19, 2019, 6:54pm
@grilme99 Thats what I meant thank you for clearing it up.
Didn’t work, and also moby idk what you mean by that
How do I kick them from the server then?
November 19, 2019, 6:57pm
Don’t kick from the server, there’s no point. It’s useless. Just try instead to make the changes to the if Obj:IsA("HopperBin") then
I tried and then gave myself a Hopperbin and it didn’t work so yeah
Also what changes?? I don’t know what changes to make
November 19, 2019, 7:03pm
Have you tried publishing the place and test it in-game?
Just tried it now, didn’t work…
November 19, 2019, 7:10pm
Did you give yourself Btools? If you didn’t how do you know?