There are no plugins for this, the exploit is made by failures of your own system. That is, the error was in some code of yours or some virus. There must be some plugins to look for viruses with requires etc but I don’t recommend them.
Hi, what is the wrong thing in here? The “Worst emoloyee…” Text or the “Tab to open Hand-Gui” text?
If it’s the first case and the same text is visible on every client, someone is probably modifying the text manually on studio, or you may have a plugin that does this modify but only if the text is changed in every server, if not then you may have a backdoor in one of your scripts.
Sorry for not clarifying, the “Worst employee award” is the problem.
I don’t think someone would be using studio because it is strictly off limits to most ranks. My employee was the only person on the game at that time. I am starting to get a little suspicious that he may have used building tools…
In game building tools? Well maybe, but if it is so, the modify must be limited only to the server/servers where the “malicious” person did that.
(Tho I’m not sure if it’s possible to modify a GUI with building tools, as I never used one)