Hi there! I’m making an anti-exploit for my game. As exploiters only touch the client-side scripts via GUIs, if I whitelist the UIs for my game via a table, and kick the players with GUIs that aren’t whitelisted, would this be a good idea.
My script right now:
local GUI = game:GetService("StarterGui")
plr:Kick("You have been kicked by anti-exploit.")
I want to insert a table and whitelist the UIs, as right now it kicks everyone as I haven’t whitelisted them yet. Any ideas on how I can make the table and whitelist the UIs? Thanks!
local WhitelistedUIs = {"Chat","OtherGUIHere"}
if not table.find(WhitelistedUIs,tostring(Child.Name) then
plr:Kick("You have been kicked by anti-exploit.")
Your anti exploit won’t work at all, exploiters insert their GUIs into CoreGui (or use an external drawing library, so not using Roblox UI at all, therefore impossible literally to detect) anyway, something we can’t access.
The point is, don’t patch the UIs, patch the functions IN the UIs. People don’t need UIs to exploit, and making a detection system for that is just extremely redundant.
SIDE NOTE: GUIs made on the client cannot be seen by the server
SIDE NOTE #2: Exploits are client-sided
SIDE NOTE #3: Exploiters who can effect change on the server are exploiting weaknesses in a game via RemoteEvents/RemoteFunctions