Anti-Exploiter Record System

Post removed, nobody seems to remotely understand what I’m saying.

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That is not an easy thing to do. First discord doesn’t allow the use of webhooks for logging, second there is a 8MB size limit and third you would have to convert the movements of the character into a video which is not simple and also you should have a strong understanding of raycast


one way you could do this (the easiest way I know) is to get all the player’s movements from a certain time period by recording them into a table or something and if the person is suspected of cheating then it could send a string of all the player’s movements from a certain time which you could then input that into a sort of decoder-script that will replay those movements with a rig so you can see it

There is probably loads of ways to do this but that’s what i came up with for rn

For your first statement: Proxy bypass.
Second statement: record positions on a spreadsheet on google sheets w/API
No video required, just join the game, type in the player, voila, your character starts going to the same positons as the character before.

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roblox devs will do anything but use an actual logging service or datastore and i find it very funny

you can have server side checks for these and include punishments accordingly. for example, travelling too much distance in a short amount of time resulting in the player being teleported back to where they were. anti teleport and anti speedhack at its essence

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You should not use bypasses to break platforms’ TOS

If you have the solution why did you ask

I don’t have the solution, which is why I asked.

Plus, proxy bypass is the most widely used hyra is hosting it. I don’t see where that’s not allowed.

Discord tos

Plus read this (the last paragraph)

The easiest way is to capture the workspace around the char and turn it into a text description along with logging remote events and damage delt by the player if you have tools that deal damage. As long as you have most anti exploit stuff in place e.g position checking to get a players speed then tbh i think it is too much work to capture as it still require manual review.

Why Discord? There’s clearly better options out there. Plus, as @NinjaFurfante07 says, Discord doesn’t allow their webhooks to be used for logs like these.
Just punish the exploiter with server-side checks [although yeah, they can cause false-postives], don’t just write a whole script to send recordings of their movements???


Could you tell me of those better options?

I don’t think you really read my post clearly.

Did you link the right word? There’s not even the word, “Discord” throughout that entire post.

No that post was about how to get images of instances in the workspace so it could be useful for videos

I saw no real answer, I just got some vague idea on how to monitor 3D builds.

i never tried to do this but either you should keep track of character’s positions and save them in a datastore, also i would that it’s clear that we don’t need to write scripts for you and that this is not a very simple thing to do

I have a system that do just that. But I wouldn’t recommend logging exploits like speed, flying, teleport etc…

Like what everyone is saying just teleport them back.

You want to use discord to ‘log’ positions etc etc… Which is not what Discord is made for. I’m not gonna argue with you on this, but I did offer alternatives for fighting exploits that don’t break the rules. Do what you want of course, but Discord will ban you eventually if you do things like this. Essentially what I’m saying is that this is not a good solution, try what others suggested (simple antiexploits) or use an actual service. Gl.

While this is not what you asked for here is a way you can stop people from teleporting and more without using discord and having to manually check there position history

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I was hoping that the webhook would just send a link to an external source that printed positions, but okie dokie. It was also kind of obvious initially.