Anyone knows how to script a Anti-Lag script that works for a Game that has many parts?
I don’t know the exact part number.
If yes it’s appreciated if you comment it. If not that’s totally fine!
There is no “anti-lag” script. Your game’s buildings are likely not built in the most efficient manner, maybe there is a bit too much detail. Perhaps you might wanna cut down a bit on very small details that nobody would notice.
One thing you could try is to enable streaming enabled, I believe it can be found in game.Workspace.StreamingEnabled. This should help if the map in your game is large, however if it’s smaller chances are it won’t do much to help
What do you mean exactly? As I don’t know what you are talking about, apologies. Is the “game.Workspace.StreamingEnabled” a script or what is it?
StreamingEnabled is a thing that reduces lag to your game and is disabled by default you can just go to workspace’s properties to enable it pretty useful if your game has 100k parts or you want to make a 100+ players game
Oh okay! Thanks I’ll try that!
You can always mark it as a solution if it solves the problem but you can’t just instantly mark it as a solution without trying it
I’ll try it first and if it works I’ll mark it as solution!
Which settings of the streaming enabled are recommended?
It’s recommended to increase MinStreamingRadius and TargerStreaming radius to around 1024-2048 setting it around 10000-20000 will slow down the physics a bit
Like 1024 for MinStreamingRadius and StreamingTargetRadius at 2048 and StreamingPauseMode set to Default or ClientPhysicsPause i highly recommend setting it to Default since i don’t know how ClientPhysicsPause works
Okay! Thanks so much again!!!
Your welcome! I don’t really know how StreamingEnabled works so yeah
Oh and by the way you can read the documents which explains how to improve your game performance here
Thanks, I just tested it with some members and they said it works well!
Nice! But have your friends ever experienced lag before you enabled StreamingEnabled?
Oh and by the way i edited my solution reply
I just asked a friend that had bad lags at the game when moving and now they don’t have it just a bit but not much! So it worked well!
Oh and also what StreamingEnabled can so is that the game will pause itself to load the map once they get teleported