Anti Loadstring?

Hello, my friend Lenny has recent found out he had a script for his game, but i noticed while trying to patch it, it was in core Gui which is nearly impossible to patch idk why Roblox did that, but I’m very confused on how to make an anti-loadString for any type of script because i am a 2-4 level at scripting. no were near advanced scripting so can any good or experienced scripters help me out here?


or even DE obfuscate it so it can be easier to patch

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and im not good at making good anti cheats i can make simple and decent for startergui detections but not core

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You need a plugin for this, you could do this in a plugin script :

print("deleting the loadstring thing")
for _,v in ipairs(game.CoreGui:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("Script") then
if string.find(v.Source,"loadstring") then
print("destroyed script")

After that, delete the plugin you just made

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You can’t use game:GetDescendants() because normal users don’t have permissions to

Just disable the loadstring for the game if it’s not needed

i disabled it in a test game, and the gui still pops up

So search it in coregui instead of game?

where do i put this in? serverscriptservice?

No, save it as plugin.
Normal scripts don’t have access to .Source. while plugin does

First if you have disabled loadstring then it means that the script isn’t using it to load the gui second if it’s not an exploit can you show us the code?

the code is obfuscated so i cannot show the code

You can copy paste it here tho. It’s not like it’s impossible to copy paste it

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i dont use devfourm much but how do i make it like a script box

Put ``` at the start and at the end of the code

Write the “```” around the code.

the code is so long its literally crashing the page, do i put the raw script instead?

Just paste it normally ig

I was trying to make it raw but it broke

Put it on something like paste-bin

Or try uploading it as a text file using the button at the bottom

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scriptlinl.txt (106 Bytes)