Anti-Teaming system

I need to make an anti-teaming system where if two players are teaming on one, it gives a slight buff to the person being teamed on to make the fight fair.

I’ve made the system, but there’s a slight oversight with it. The teamers can also get the buff if the victim and the other teamer hits them.
Say it’s a 2v1. The 1 person hits one opponent and that opponent also gets hit by their teammate, it gives them the buff, which makes the 2v1 wildly more unfair.
Is there any other way to detect an unfair fight?

The way I have made it is that the person being teamed on gets logged in a table, and has a HitCount to them. If there are more than 4 hits from more than one person, then the game says they’re being teamed on and they get a buff.


Not really, I mean no other game has done this.

And now, imagine 3 people teaming. You have 2 people shoot one guy, who then uses the buff to kill a fourth person unfairly.

And, having a system like this will stop “third partying” where the “teamer” isn’t teaming, but trying to steal a kill from someone else, and then killing that person after or running off.

If you want to combat teaming, just add a reporting system for teamers and remove this. Theres no good way to implement it without it having ways to be abused by players.
What you have and want in theory is good and beneficial, in practice it won’t be.

super rad idea but i have NO idea where you would start with this

Maybe log how much time two players are near each other without actually shooting each other.

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Yeah honestly did not think about the 3v1 scenario. It is kinda bearable because the buff is only around 10 seconds. It’d require a lot of coordination but I think people will do anything just to deal 1.25x damage for 10 seconds anyways.

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