Anticheat module [will be expanded]

Hello there, I’m Ancestor.

Been hoping to branch out more in the community and release some projects that I have been working on or made in the past and figured I would start with a basic anticheat module to stop bad actors in your experiences.

You can whitelist certain players but the game creator is whitelisted by default (You may need to publish and restart Roblox Studio for this to take effect).

I also highly advise enabling [workspace.RejectCharacterDeletions] so player’s cannot clientside delete core character components and bypass the module.

So far all this contains is “Anti Teleportation” but due to my tight schedule, it’s all I can provide for now but hopefully I can keep a somewhat steady update schedule.

Each module will contain it’s own settings table where you change the thresholds to your own desire.

Anyways enough said, here is the module itself. Please feel free to request new features or ask questions :slight_smile:

Also feel free to point out bad practices!


Thanks, Ancestor :slight_smile: