Antivirus Plugin

Hello! I made a simple Anti Virus plugin to scan for backdoors and tell you the location. I have never tried to make plugins before and I want to hear feedback!

How to install:

1. Open your file Explorer

2. Go to Roblox plugins folder at C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Roblox\Plugins

3. Download this file and put it into your Plugins folder AntiVirus.lua (2.9 KB)

4. Run Roblox Studio and the plugin will be in your plugins tab, Enjoy!

Or just go to this link

(I don’t have macos so idk how to do it, srry T-T)

If possible, move the post’s category to #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback, since this is more of a showcase than a resource.

Oh sorry, I though I could post this here because its to help people find backdoors

Alright I moved it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Alright I moved it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

note: roblox plugins are cross-platform, which means it can be used on mac.

Yep, I just dont have or know anything about macos so I couldnt make a tutorial on it. Sorry

For some reason you used pascal case when searching for some keywords. And there is no need to add #t+1 to table.insert since it does it by default.

table.insert(getList, --[[unnecessary -->]] #getList + 1, "game." .. d:GetFullName())

You could optimize further by removing the “Lists” dictionary or the variables outside of it and remove the count of found results since it can later be obtained. The final code should look like this:

--Scripted by AshyExrth
--Version 0.1
--Very Buggy and messy code, but it works!
--Thx to the devforum for helping me ily

local sl = game:GetService("Selection")
local coreGUI = game:GetService("CoreGui");
local tb = plugin:CreateToolbar("Anti Virus")

local sg = tb:CreateButton("Scan Game", "Scan Game", "rbxassetid://216049808")
local ss = tb:CreateButton("Scan Selected", "Scan Selected Instance", "rbxassetid://6422318705")

sg.ClickableWhenViewportHidden = true
ss.ClickableWhenViewportHidden = true

function fullScan(root)
	local requires = {}
	local getfenvs = {}
	local loadstrings = {}

	local ServerScripts = {}
	local LocalScripts = {}
	local ModuleScripts = {}

	local function scan(instance)
		if (instance:IsA("LuaSourceContainer")) then
			local source = instance.Source;

			if (source:find("require")) then
				table.insert(requires, instance);
			elseif (source:find("getfenv")) then
				table.insert(getfenvs, instance);
			elseif (source:find("loadstring")) then
				table.insert(loadstrings, instance);

			local className = instance.ClassName;

			if (className == "ModuleScript") then
				table.insert(ModuleScripts, instance);
			elseif (className == "LocalScripts") then
				table.insert(LocalScripts, instance);
			elseif (className == "Script") then
				table.insert(ServerScripts, instance);

		for _, child in ipairs(if not instance.ClassName == "CoreGui" then instance:GetChildren() else {}) do


	local result = string.format([[
			%d requires found
			%d getfenvs found 
			%d loadstrings found
			%d ModuleScripts
			%d LocalScripts
			%d ServerScripts
		]], #requires, #getfenvs, #loadstrings, #ModuleScripts, #LocalScripts, #ServerScripts);

	print(requires, getfenvs, loadstrings, ModuleScripts, LocalScripts, ServerScripts);


	local selections = sl:Get();
	for _, selection in ipairs(selections) do

Do note I did not test this script.

Yea that didnt really work, thanks for the tips for future work though. And thanks for the feedback :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Right. Fixed. Try reading the code to understand its logic, this should get you a bigger brain soon!