Hello there I have recently found out that when cloning a part you can’t use the resize() function on it and have found out that you also can’t use it with instance.new() but the only reason I was using the resize function is because I want to scale a part along its local axis. Does anyone know of another way I could (without a lot of complicated math)?
Perhaps use the BasePart.Size property? You can change the size by assigning it a new Vector3.
Here you go, this works on a local axis and replicates BasePart:Resize()
function resizeSurface(part, surface, amount)
local normal = Vector3.fromNormalId(surface)
local divisionFactor = 2
if (surface == Enum.NormalId.Left or surface == Enum.NormalId.Bottom or surface == Enum.NormalId.Front) then
normal = normal * -1
divisionFactor = -2
local resizeAmount = normal * amount
part.Size = part.Size + resizeAmount
part.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.new(resizeAmount/divisionFactor)