All the text values have to stay the same.
use Uilistlayout and change the layout order property of the text labels
I meant in terms of aesthetics. I want the order to be the way that it is. I’ll rephrase the question. Thanks for helping out though :D
you could make the “tittles” a bit bigger So it would be more like Created: 2024-11-25 04:09:06 Idk tho… ummm if its not already within a tab/ collapsible sidebar thinigie then maybe put it there? I dont think thats what your asking tho. umm maybe layer it? like the bigger words on top and all the small information under neath? Idk man Idk…
Titles a bit bigger
Wouldn’t that leave less room for the actual information?
Put the bigger words on top
I’ll try that in like 2 hours when I get home :D
Any other improvements I can make? Thanks!
maybe the time spent could be time spent driving? if that’s what its calculating, otherwise I think its Great!
Since it is a car, are you going to add any other information about it like make, model etc.?
I’m making a game similar to BABFT, so there are no makes or models. I’m concerned about the thing at the top, where I entered the “MyCar2”. Does it need some padding at the top? Thanks!
I think you could ad a little bit, so its similar to the padding at the bottom of the load button. its not necessary tho! If that much looks like too much maybe cut it halfway ish or make it the same amount that’s between the Created: and the Last Modified:
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