Any creative ideas on having Gnomes as a class for a PvP game without making their smaller hitbox size an unfair advantage?

Basically, the title sums it up. How would I go around making a class for a PvP game with gnomes? I am aiming for 0.7 - 0.8 of the original avatar size, but want to avoid giving them an unfair advantage.

How would you design that?

Make the hitbox an invisible part attached to them and use the same for the other classes

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Then it wouldn’t make sense, and be considered unfair by others. My game utilizes a raycast hitbox, which is very sensitive to where your weapon hits during an animation phase, therefore raising skill cap to master the game fully. So far, the only idea is to make sure animations hit low enough to touch gnomes regardless, but that seems like a crappy fix to me

Make them glass cannons with lower health. Or, if it’s an issue for animations to hit, give them super tall hats.

Maybe make hits cause more damage to the smaller hitbox.
Basically they are harder to hit, but when they do get hit it would cause them to lose more health. You may have to play with the percentage to give it an equal balance.

If I was you’ll try balancing with whatever you have, perhaps less health or speed could work.