I always use BodyVelocity even though it’s deprecated and not use LinearVelocity because it’s easier and attachments seems off for this task.
I believe the new solution is overcomplicated and deprecation was unnecessary.
Would it be ok to use non constraint movers for ~5 years until I get used to new ones?
You should be fine, I’ve been using BodyVelocity for years now. I have never really used those constraint movers since i agree, these are sometimes very complicated to use.
The Constraints are better since they have more options, but that also makes them more difficult to learn.
Deprecated items are not necessarily going to be removed any time soon, but if they decide to change something about the game engine in the future there’s a chance that they won’t update how the old movers work.
I wouldn’t expect them to make something that would break the Movers though, since so many games up to the time the Constraints were introduced would be broken by changing them.
I’d definitely try experimenting with the Constraints though. Read through the create.roblox.com documentation about how they work.
Here’s a sample place they had on the site that we could download and see how each of the Constraints were set up. Pay attention to how the no Attachments, 1 Attachment, and 2 Attachment modes are used in some of the Constraints. They make very big differences in how each react. New Body Movers, Physics, Constraints Example.rbxl (35.0 KB)