Hey, looking for some exercises to improve overall scripting, maybe some tasks/challenges if any body has any to throw down below?
I’ve been scripting now for about 7 Months now, but not personally sure what level I am at, and looking for some challenges to find out, and of course improve! Everyone is welcome to throw a challenge in the comments, and everyone is welcome to complete a challenge (as long as it isn’t then spoiled for others).
Thank you in advanced!
tl;dr: drop some challenges below if you got any, thx
Hmm, my way of exercise is making a small game/system… so mostly… I go from small project/system to big project/system… for example first exercise is like uh let’s say… a round system… and then it gets big to like a egg hatching system or whatever… oh and I set a timer ex: I have to finish this in 24 hours or 1 week ect…
Thank you everyone for contributing!
I personally have made about 3 games (ATM), with 2 currently being in progress. @Phantom9997 I really like the idea there, will definitely going to try this out, thank you for that!
@WhatDid_HeDo Ah yes, I will most likely try out a egg hatching system, I’ve created a Crate system before so I’m guessing it’d be some what similar but with eggs and a automatic hatching after X time?
Recoding Cookie Clicker sounds pretty cool too, hopefully that goes well for you. @THECOOLGENERATOR