Any fake player?

I know the title seem confusing but here’s what I mean. Am looking for a fake player module that can simulate like a real player (but without the character spawning in). Also to be in server-sided to remove the loading problem. Am gonna use it as a way to test datastores- add different functions. Without a player even joining.

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Can you explain what you mean, I’m not sure I get you.
So do you want a physical ‘player’ that walks around, talks, etc, or just a ‘fake name’ in the player list?

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I could say like a fake name in the player list.

You can disable the PlayerList using SetCoreGuiEnabled
Disable the playerlist, then create your GUI below like this

local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")

StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList, false)

--// Create your GUI here

Sorry for the quite confusion. But I want like- players for scripting not for the Gui. I was wondering if I can mimic a player class (due to it being inaccessible).

So you don’t want a GUI, or a physical player, you want to mimic the players class with all the functions?

(I’m very confused :sob: )

Yes. As I said in the description- “Am looking for a fake player module that can simulate like a real player”

Why would you want to ‘simulate like’ a real player? I don’t understand. What do you want this ‘player’ to be able to do? I don’t really understand what you want. Do you want to be able to mimic the behaviour within a script? If so, I have no idea.

It’s for some purposes, but I don’t want to struggle for a client to be made, and want to make a server-sided player. To make it faster and test out some stuff without the need of a client being connected.

there’s a built in studio feature which allows you to create multiple clients.

What if i no no wanna. I wanna have a server-sided player.

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Use PathfindingService to make the fake player move, use TextChannel to make the player the chat random messages, make a new Playerlist to add him to the Playerlist

Since you want this feature for testing data stores, can’t you just use the Roblox Studio local server feature? You go to the TEST tab in Studio, choose the local server and the number of players you want, and press run. This will start a local simulation of a server with fake players where you can test whatever you like(for example, features that involve interactions between players).

The fake players will have negative user IDs, -1, -2, -N, their names will be Player1, Player2, PlayerN respectively and their display name will be “Player”.

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