Any feedback on my build for The Basement?

I created a game called The Basement I’m not a scripter but its good even without any scripts it’s not done but its really cool!

Game: The Basement - Roblox


Ooh that looks good! I know it’s probably a scary game and the darkness looks good, but it can get really hard to see anything, especially when you’re on mobile. Just try to look out for making it too dark, because it might effect gameplay quality.

It looks great though, good job!

Edit: You could try adding small lamps just to make people be able to see your awesome work better :wink:


This probably is gonna be appealing to little kids they love the horror stuff! xD

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It looks decent, although I recommend adding stray wires here and there. Maybe try adding vents on the walls or on the roof. I think that would make it look more good. Keep up the great work! :smiley:

Edit: Also, I noticed when I joined the game it prompted me to buy something. And I noticed that it is made by someone else and not you? I don’t know if you built it or not?

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Unfortunately since im not an expert i cant give any feedback, but i think it is a very cool build i especially like the modulated lighting :wink:

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I will! As I said it’s not finished it’s kinda of a horror story/obby type since the first part is a obby thing I thing. :slight_smile:

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The game is nice, maybe you can make a torch tool for each player so that they can see clearly.

That’s a good idea! It will help players out when they are in dark area’s thanks for the idea!

It was my main that made it. xD Have a look on my friends list and I have her added. And I’m playing a game on it. xD

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I find your construction superb with that you can perhaps make a horror game, practically you do not have the same level as me but you are nevertheless good all my congratulations BRAVO :handshake: :muscle:

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Oooh this is cool, I am wondering how this would look with a red tint of lighting? Overall nice job

spooky, I love it! One thing I have to mention though is the lights. I’ve never seen so many lights in a basement before and even placed that close together! Other than that, I think it’s a really good build!