Any feedback on the first devlog for my horror game

I’m currently working on a horror game and I’ve recently made a devlog for it. I was wondering if I could get any feedback or suggestion.


Very nice. Cool game btw, ill play it when its out.
I would say you have a solid foundation, so the rest is small tweaks.
If you want, you can expand how you did the stuff that you are explaining. ex: Quick rundown of how you generated the maze, instead of saying you generated it.
Lower the music, and play with your microphone settings a bit more. Feels too close imo.

I would suggest checking out Codeer or sebastian lague youtube videos on dev logs if you need inspiration.

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Thanks for the feedback, I’ll try that out

It looks Cool! i like the idea of a maze it reminds me of Light BuIb
Can i test it?

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I love the concept and look forward to your future progress on this.

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Yeah sure join the discord: Blobby Studios