Any females willing to voice act?

We’d prefer a microphone with little to no background noise. We’re looking to voice a middle aged character, 20s to 30s preferably. A mother figure if you can.

Sorry for the strange request, more details will be provided if you’re interested. If you are, make sure to respond here with your best method of contact or add me on skype @ tyridge77. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I’m a guy, but I got a good mic and am willing to voice act for any make parts if needed.

Just ask someone’s mom lol there aren’t many females on this forum

Is there payment or is this a volunteer thing?

I realize that : ( lol

Just give them a squeeze while you’re recording.

More serious note: Family members are probably the best way to go about this.

I can do a pretty solid schoolgirl impression


Text to speech has gotten pretty good, but sometimes you have to reword things. Sometimes the synth doesn’t properly pronounce certain words. (lots of them usually)

this was totally the wrong place to ask, we have like one active female (nonstaff) here… and unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be able to do this :frowning:

I’d try asking a family member!

Im a female nonstaff lol
I may not post lots but I’m active

I think it’s fine to ask for female voice acting here. Many devs have female friends who may want to work on that sort of project.

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