Any game ideas?

Hello there!

I am a dev that usually works for other people/devs.
But I decided to make a game

I saw a lot of simulator games got good profit

What I am asking is I need an simulator idea

I can pay a few robux if you want but I also will put on credits if a good idea comes from here

(I don’t know if I put this on correct catagory)


I don’t know, just be original, base on an old game, and revamp it maybe like Adopt me, made, and like many others made, I am also, wanting to make a game, want to contact me?
Maybe we can discuss and make it toghetter :slight_smile:
I script,build, UI design and a bit of graphics
if you want we can make a game toghetter?


Like @varjoy said, I am a scripter and ui designer so if you want to hit me up, send me your discord handle (username and tag) in my DM’s since I turned off friend requests from everyone due to stuff…

(I use UIDesign Plus to roundify UI’s)

Here somes idea :

  • Simulator game can be a good idea but to make it good it’s kinda hard.

  • Tycoon is more easy to make but kinda annoying to play.

  • Fighting game is easy and it’s fun.

Also I can’t know what’s you really want to do but if you want to do simulator here some themes :

  • You can do weapons like : Sword ; Hammer etc…

  • You can do job like : Mining ; Kill or something like that.

Well after all, I don’t know so have a nice day!

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[free deaths] get hit by a car simulator [unleashed]

This is a common pretty often topic that’s gets asked and brought up around thousands of times already.

The short plain answer i always say is try making a simulator game that hasn’t been created on the platform there’s different ideas you could take, and approach try finding something your interesting in or enjoy the most if your into making simulators go for It.

If your wanting to create some type of simulator game join different games and see what they have and see what you can do to improve the quality fo your game. (Making it different from others) examples are: “Bee swarm simulator, you’ll see it has items and useful tools that benefit the players instead of in-game currency like most of the simulators nowadays have.

Choose different mechanic is and an interesting - good gameplay i won’t go any further since there are a lot of topics about this: