Any good developers, where did you learn how to program and how long it took to learn lua

sorry if this isn’t the right category i just want to know how long it took you to learn lua and where did you start.


I learned how to program from friends and self practice. It took me a couple years to get the hang of it. Learning Lua takes time and lots of practice.

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There are tons of posts about this; doing a quick search would have yielded tons of results and thus would have saved you time from making a thread.


I learned from these 2 youtube series primarily, a good bit of the basics get taught here. After the series was finished, I googled how to script whatever I thought was out of the realm of something I could do by myself, and any methods I didn’t understand I would take time and look up whatever I needed to know about it. It took me maybe 4-5 months to confidently make most things I put my time into.


Watch tutorials and try things out. Just don’t get too attached to tutorials, it can seriously mess things up later.


I came into Roblox development with 2 years of working professionally in Python. I spent a week or two looking at the API Reference and some of the example code given to get a hang of writing scripts (not efficiently, but I was able to do some pretty simple stuff). I hate watching tutorials because I feel that they don’t really give you room to improve, so I never knew about AlvinBlox’s tutorials (I still can’t bear to watch those :face_vomiting:). The biggest hurdle for me (surprisingly :stuck_out_tongue:) was realizing that Lua tables start at index 1, not 0 as Python does. Other than that, I’d say it took me about a month to get proficient in Lua, but I still see myself learning something new every day as I delve deeper into more abstract topics (blending default Roblox animations with procedural animations, VR using single-plane inverse kinematics, etc.).