I’d like to have longer lights for my cars but the issue is that the max range of the spotlight object is not enough to see what’s infront of the car properly. So far I didn’t come up with any method to solve this so I am making this post in hopes that someone on the devforum has dealt with this issue before and can kindly help.
maybe try pointlight or surfacelight
I’d just dublicate the light, move it forward, and decrease the brightness slightly so it isn’t so obvious.
Just tried this, it would have worked perfectly if these weird shadows weren’t there
What shadow? It looks fine to me.
Where is the current point light located? And is it pointlight or surfacelight? Im sure all you need to do is increase the Range property.
Adding lights will need to be scripted in because from your screen caps it looks like they can be controlled from the car gui.
Im sure all you need to do is increase the Range property.
That’s my issue, they are already at maximum range that is capped at 60 studs, they are spot lights. Their location is within the cars headlights just infront a bit so the mesh doesn’t block the light source.
I would weld constraint an additional surface light ahead of the car, and make it noncollide and transparency 1, to give you more range. Let me know if you need help doing this. I know you tried this but it shouldn’t produce shadows.
Using Attachments in a part and putting the light objects inside said attachments would produce the same effect, with less fiddling with part properties and welding.
Frustrating that Roblox is still limited to 60 stud light range, can’t believe in 2022 it’s still capped at this. It’s been there since as long as I can remember being on the platform. 2000s-2010s
This is sometimes a great workaround and I fully agree, but it comes with a few limitations which is why i stay away from it usually… the first being you can’t manipulate the attachment’s scale, and therefore can’t manipulate the surface light’s scale, so you are stuck with a surface light that is small in size or coverage (regardless of its range, brightness, etc.). In the OP case the light wouldn’t cover much of the ground, even if you increase range or brightness it will not change its size.
Also putting things like emitters in attachments causes issues (not as much in surface or point lights) with rendering up close (the emitters like to disappear).
I agree its one step extra to add the part with a weld constraint, but in return you get the flexibility when it comes to manipulation, and the size one is a deal breaker for me personally.
Absolutely, you use a raycast and a part with SurfaceLights! Lighting at 140 studs and beyond one part, one light
I checked your video, but I have absolutely no clue how to do that. Might you give us insight how you made what you did in your video?
Additionally, I was interested in a cone shape for lighting that had an expanded distance, if at all possible.
Have there been any revelations on this topic?
No unfortunately. The closest thing I had in mind was using an invisible circle with a surface light at the end of the initial light cone.
This might not be a good solution for moving objects however, e.g. cars; as the invisible circle light could move through objects and extent light through a wall for example.
This is a late reply, but my go-to workaround is using a surfacelight, and resizing the part it is a child of.

Edit: you could also use attachments, but that doesnt exactly increase the range
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