Any ideas? / And advanced + Details / The lonely Desert

Here the Advances of my showcase,
You can see the progress in my profile. :wink:
So, what do you think?
:roblox_light: murjarquitecto


Love the look and feel of the place. You can really feel the desert feel in the world you built.

There’s a few old and falling objects and stuff - rusting and old looking. But then there’s a few items added to your world the stop right on the side, that doesn’t really match with the setting, I would maybe slant it, change up the way it looks so that it has some cracks in it. Maybe place some objects such as dirt or falling parts on the ground giving it a better feel.

Definitely try making other variety of cactus instead of duplicating them all over the map I feel like the area where the train is there could be more objects placed down overall this scene is a great start.


I love it. I like the amount of depth you went into every detail on the map. Its hard to add details to such a big map and i think you did an excellent job.

Only thing i would change is the bridge. I feel like its a sore thumb compared to the rest of the map. There’s very little detail and it looks really bland.

Hope this feedback helps and good luck! :+1:


Looks really good, can’t nitpick much out of this that hasn’t been covered already honestly I think the only thing I didn’t find that belonged was probably the cactus it was a bit blocky on the arms compared to the other amount of shapes+detail done to the rest of the map

The overall looks and feeling of the map look really nice and along with the textures of the models make it have the actual abandoned vibe.

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The map is I progress, (30 Caracters)